How To Start Mobile Auto Repair Business | SkillsAndTech
If you know cars inside out and find it enjoyable to fix them, a mobile auto repair is a perfect business for you.
Thousands of cars break down on a daily basis in the world. Some of them may be in their driveways and won’t start while some die at a mall parking lot. If you own a car, chances are it has broken down at some point in time, usually at the least convenient time
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There are a couple of main problems when this happens. If the car won’t move, you can’t drive it to the auto repair shop. The only other option is to pay to have it towed to get repaired. Then once you get it to a repair shop, they are usually quite busy and it could take a few days to get the repairs completed.
So, after a $50 tow and several hours of mechanical work, your bill quickly rises and you have no choice but to pay it to get your car back to normal. That is why this business idea is so interesting.
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To get started, you will need a good knowledge of fixing automobiles. If you can’t get the car fixed in a couple of hours, don’t spend all day trying to figure it out. The more cars you fix in a day, the more money you make, so make sure you can complete the job before you start.
The start-up costs will be a little higher due to the fact that you will need to buy several tools if you don’t already have them. A reliable vehicle to take you to your clients is also mandatory. You will probably need to become a certified mechanic to be able to run this business full time.
If you do good work, you can expect to make at least $50k – to up to $250,000 if you have employees that help you. Maybe charge a $40 rate just to show up and diagnose the issues, and a $40 per hour rate is reasonable for the convenience of your service.
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Start out by thinking of places where cars break down most frequently. Hotels, mall parking lots and shopping centers are a good start. Go inside and talk with the manager. Tell them if they have anyone who needs their car fixed to call you, and give them your business card.
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Send out flyers to homes or even better, a magnet with your business card attached. People can place your card on their refrigerator and you will be the first person they call when they have trouble with their car.
