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How To Start A Permanent Jewelry Business | SkillsAndTech

If you’re a jewelry enthusiast, then you may have thought of starting your own permanent jewelry business. After all, the trend for body modifications and piercings is at an all-time high, and there’s never been more demand for quality body jewelry. But if you’ve never done it before, where do you start? What do you need to know to build a successful permanent jewelry business?

In this blog post, we’ll explore what it takes to start a permanent jewelry business, from finding suppliers and creating unique pieces to setting up shop in the right places and building your customer base. We hope that this will give aspiring entrepreneurs the confidence they need to get their own businesses off the ground. Let’s dive in!

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What is permanent jewelry?

Permanent jewelry is defined as any type of body modification that results in the alteration of the body for more than just the healing process. This type of jewelry includes, but is not limited to, dermal anchors, subdermal implants, and microdermals. It is important to do your research before getting any type of permanent jewelry, as the healing process can be lengthy and complicated. There are a few things you should consider before getting permanent jewelry:

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The type of jewelry you want: There are many different types of permanent jewelry available, so it is important to choose the one that is right for you. Do some research and talk to your piercer or tattoo artist about what would work best for your individual needs.

The placement of the jewelry: Where you place your permanent jewelry is just as important as what type you choose. Be sure to pick a spot that is comfortable for you and won’t interfere with daily activities.

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The size of the jewelry: The size of your permanent jewelry will also play a role in how it heals and looks once it is in place. Choose a size that you are comfortable with and that won’t be too big or small for the area where it will be placed.

The healing process: Permanent jewelry requires a longer healing time than traditional body piercings. Be prepared for this by keeping the area clean and dry, using lotion or ointment if needed, and avoiding contact with water until fully healed.

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The different types of permanent jewelry businesses

There are a few different types of permanent jewelry businesses. The most common is a salon that offers piercings and tattoos. These businesses usually have a staff of artists who specialize in body art. They may also offer other services such as hairstyling, makeup, and waxing.

Another type of permanent jewelry business is a mobile company. These companies travel to events such as festivals and concerts to offer their services. They typically have a smaller staff than salons, but they can be just as talented.

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The last type of permanent jewelry business is an online company. These businesses sell their products and services online, through their website or social media platforms. This type of business is growing in popularity, as it offers customers the convenience of being able to shop from the comfort of their own homes.

The pros and cons of a permanent jewelry business

Starting a permanent jewelry business can be a great way to make a living while doing something you love. However, there are also some potential downsides to starting this type of business. Here are some pros and cons to consider before taking the plunge:

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• Can be very profitable – if done correctly, a permanent jewelry business can be quite lucrative.

• You get to be your own boss – one of the best things about owning your own business is that you get to call the shots.

• Flexible hours – another great perk of being your own boss is that you can typically set your own hours, which can be great if you have other commitments outside of work.


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• Requires start-up costs – starting any type of business requires some initial investment, and a permanent jewelry business is no different. You’ll need to purchase supplies and equipment, as well as secure a good location for your studio.

• Takes time to build up – like any other business, it takes time to build up a clientele and earn a good reputation. This means you may have to work hard in the beginning before seeing much financial return on your investment.

What are the start-up costs for a permanent jewelry business?

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The start-up costs for a permanent jewelry business will vary depending on the size and scope of your operation. However, there are some basic costs that all businesses will need to consider. These include the cost of premises, fixtures and fittings, stock, marketing and advertising, insurance, and licenses and permits.

If you are planning to open a brick-and-mortar store, you will need to factor in the cost of renting or purchasing commercial space. The cost of outfitting your store with display cases, shelving, and other necessary fixtures and fittings can also add up quickly. Don’t forget to budget for the cost of acquiring initial inventory for your store.

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Depending on the type of permanent jewelry business you are starting, you may also need to obtain certain licenses and permits from local, state, or federal authorities. For example, if you are planning on offering body piercing services, you will need to obtain a body art license from your state’s health department.

Finally, all businesses need to budget for ongoing marketing and advertising expenses. Permanent jewelry businesses will need to invest in branding and promoting their products and services to attract customers. This might include creating an attractive website, printing marketing materials such as brochures or flyers, and paying for online or offline advertising.

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How to market your permanent jewelry business

There are a few things you can do to market your permanent jewelry business. First, you can start by creating a website and social media accounts. You can use these platforms to showcase your work and attract clients. You can also join relevant online communities and forums to connect with potential customers. Additionally, you can participate in trade shows and other events related to the jewelry industry. By taking these steps, you will be able to reach a wider audience and promote your business effectively.


Starting a permanent jewelry business can be both a profitable and fulfilling venture. Whether you decide to open an online store, go into wholesaling, or run a pop-up shop – there are many creative ways to get started with this type of business.

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It’s important that you research the competition and industry standards before getting started so that you can make sure your business stands out from the competition. With dedication and hard work, it’s possible for anyone to create a successful permanent jewelry empire!

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