Debate Skills, Skills Require to be A Good Debater | SkillsandTech

Debate Skills, Skills Require to be A Good Debater | SkillsandTech

Debate Skills, Skills Require to be A Good Debater

What is Debate

Debate is like an intellectual sport where you have to learn the skills to win.

Is Debate Is An Argument

NO. Debate is not an ARGUMENT. A debate is a structured discussion. With a clear beginning and end. You have to thought of examples , fact to prove your point wright.
In order to win a debate round, you need to have a full understanding of the topic you are debating about.

How Debate Is Done

A debate is done between two individuals or between two teams. Two sides speak alternately for and against a particular contention usually based on a topical issue. Unlike the arguments you might have with your family or friends however, each person is allocated a time they are allowed to speak for and any interjections are carefully controlled. The subject of the dispute is often prearranged so you may find yourself having to support opinions with which you do not normally agree. You also have to argue as part of a team, being careful not to contradict what others on your side have said.

How is the debate structured?

There are many different formats of debate, each with their own rules. The format we use in competitive debating is called British Parliamentary, as it resembles a debate in the British Parliament. This is not the format used for Thursday night Union debates but is the international standard for university-level competitive debating. That said, it is but one of many different debating formats and, like football, learning the rules doesn’t teach you how to play it well. Once you have learned to debate in one format, it is very easy to convert to another.


Debate Structure

  • Assertion
  • Reason
  • Evidence


A claim or statement that needs to be proven or explained.


The act of providing an assertion by explaining, describing and elaborating.


Facts, Information or observations presented in support of an assertion

The Rules of British Parliamentary

In British Parliamentary, there are four teams of two speakers. Two of the teams (and hence four speakers) are on the government and two teams are on the opposition.
The first two speakers on the government side are called the opening government, the first two on the opposition are called the opening opposition and similarly the last two speakers on the government and the opposition are called the closing government and the closing opposition respectively.
Speeches alternate between the two sides, starting with the first government speech, and are usually up to either five or seven minutes in length.
All the teams are trying to win the debate outright – this means that it is not the side which wins but a specific team.
Hence, speakers within the same team cooperate but teams on the same side do not cooperate during the debate, and instead try to outmanoeuvre each other.
The teams are then ranked first to fourth in the debate. Each of the teams has a specific role in the debate.

The Motion and Preparation Time

In British Parliamentary, the motion is announced fifteen minutes before the debate begins. Teams are assigned to positions in the debate randomly.
The teams prepare during these fifteen minutes using their own knowledge and experience to create their case.
Examples of motions include ‘This House Would Introduce the Death Penalty’ or ‘This House Believes That Globalisation Marginalises the Poor’.

Criteria for judging in Debate Competiotion

Evidence   :  25%

Delivery    :    30%

Interpellation    :   30%

Rebuttal    :    15%

Debate Skills, Skills Require to be A Good Debater | SkillsandTech

Carrier in Debate

  • Law
  • Politics
  • Mass Media

A Debate is a Well Defined Rules of Motion

  • Healthy Tolerance you should develop – You should keep TOLERANCE
  • You should have idea what the other speak.
  • Ability to communicate with others. How to give an immediate answer.
  • You should have a good confidence to be a good debater. And have ability to make others to listen you.

What makes a good debater?

Typically, judges decide how persuasive debaters have been through three key criteria:

Content: What we say and the arguments and examples we use.
Delivery: How it is said.
Strategy: How well we engage with the topic, respond to other people’s arguments and structure what we say.


  • Define your understanding of MOTION.
  • What you have to say.
  • You must explain your intention
  • Burden of PROOF
  • What do you suppose to explain


  • Manner
  • Voculbury
  • Use of honour
  • Quatation


  • How LOUD you can go.
  • SPEED of debate
  • Eye Contect
  • NO, Hand Movement
  • Don’t  READ the content


  • Mallaprotism
  • Puncutation
  • use Himor
  • Have emotional appeal


Use maximum quotation you can use in your debate.


Debate Skills, Skills Require to be A Good Debater | SkillsandTech

In debating each team will present points in favour of their case. They will also spend some
time criticising the arguments presented by the other team. This is called rebuttal. There are
a few things to remember about rebuttal.

1. Logic – to say that the other side is wrong is not enough. You have to show why the other
side is wrong. This is best done by taking a main point of the other side’s argument and
showing that it does not make sense. Because a lot of the thinking for this needs to be done
quickly this is one of the most challenging and enjoyable aspects of debating.

2. Pick the important points – try to rebut the most important points of the other side’s case.
You will find that after a while these are easier and easier to spot. One obvious spot to find
them is when the first speaker of the other team outlines briefly what the rest of the team
will say. But do not rebut those points until after they have actually been presented by the
other team.

3. `Play the ball’ – do not criticise the individual speakers, criticise what they say. To call
someone fat, ugly or a nerd does not make what they say wrong and it will also lose you

Rules for Engagement

  • Our Debate should be for the chairperson not for the opponent
  • coordinate your speech with your TEAM

Debate Skills, Skills Require to be A Good Debater

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