How To Start Liquid Phenyl Making Business | SkillsAndTech
Liquid Phenyl is an emulsion of light creosote oil & water with soap which is used to kill germs also it is used to remove the four smells because it is a very good cleaner that having deodorizing and disinfect properties. StartupYo states that in the List of Most Profitable Small Manufacturing Business Ideas the Phenyl Manufacturing Business is the better option to initiate.
Phenyl Manufacturing Business Plan
The following are the simple steps to initiate Phenyl Manufacturing Business Plan:
- Step – 1: Firstly, You need to know the market potential of Phenyl
- Step – 2: Secondly, you should know what the licenses are and registration process requires for Phenyl Manufacturing Business
- Step – 3: Thirdly, you must know how much finance required for Phenyl Manufacturing Business
- Step – 4: After this, you have to know the Phenyl Manufacturing Setup
- Step – 5: After that, you need to know what is the machinery required for Phenyl Manufacturing Business
- Step – 6: Then after, you should know what are the raw materials required for the production of Phenyl
- Step – 7: Also, you must know the Phenyl Manufacturing process
The above simple steps to initiate Phenyl Manufacturing Business Plan can explain briefly in the following:
- You need to know the market potential of Phenyl
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You need to know the market potential of Phenyl is the first step in the simple steps to initiate Phenyl Manufacturing Business Plan. In this step, the major use of phenyl is cleaning of different floors & toilet accessories which is required for each of the following: corporate, agencies, households that are involved in the cleaning of the following: hospitals, public areas like the following: bus stands, railway stations, cities, etc. So depending upon the city status and households the liquid phenyl demand occurs. It means it is more required in the city compression to the rural area. The demand for phenyl is increased by increasing the awareness of health and cleanliness. An increase in the population is also a major reason for the market potential of phenyl
- You should know what the licenses are and registration process requires for Phenyl Manufacturing Business
In the simple steps to initiate Phenyl Manufacturing Business Plan the second step is you should know what the licenses are and the registration process requires for Phenyl Manufacturing Business. In this step, the following are the licenses are and registration process requires for Phenyl Manufacturing Business:
- Firstly, you need to obtain a trade license
- Secondly, you should apply for “Consent to Establish” from the PCB (Pollution Control Board)
- Thirdly, you must register your company with ROC
- After this, you have to obtain for GST registration
- After that, you should apply for “Consent to Operate” from the PCB (Pollution Control Board)
- Then after, under the drug act, the liquid phenyl is notified as a “Drug”
- Lastly, take the permission and license from the Drug Control Authority which is necessary for its production
- You must know how much finance required for Phenyl Manufacturing Business
You must know how much finance required for Phenyl Manufacturing Business is the third step in the simple steps to initiate Phenyl Manufacturing Business Plan. In this step, in any manufacturing business, you need to maintain the 02 type’s finances and they are of the following:
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- Firstly, Fixed Capital
- Secondly, Working Capital
So you can apply for a combined project loan to any financial institution or bank. But in any case, you must invest your own capital. In many types of loans, the Collateral security is also needed.
- You have to know the Phenyl Manufacturing Setup
In the simple steps to initiate Phenyl Manufacturing Business Plan the fourth step is you have to know the Phenyl Manufacturing Setup. In this step, you must have the detailed project report details along with financials before starting the Phenyl Manufacturing Business. The following are the simple steps you need to be careful in establishing the unit:
- Firstly, figuring out the required area
- Secondly, selecting a proper location
- Thirdly, layout planning
After this you need to arrange the major utilities in the liquid phenyl production like the following:
- Firstly, water supply
- Secondly, electric supply
- You need to know what is the machinery required for Phenyl Manufacturing Business
You need to know what is the machinery required for Phenyl Manufacturing Business is the fifth step in the simple steps to initiate Phenyl Manufacturing Business Plan. In this step, procure basic machinery for phenyl production business and they are of the following:
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- Firstly, Mixing Vessels
- Secondly, Planetary mixture
- Thirdly, Balance and measuring equipment
- After this, Liquid filling machine
- After that, MS Tank
- Then after, Storage Vessels
- Also, Furnace with the following: platform & Diesel pump
- Furthermore, Hydrometer
- Lastly, Cap sealing machine
You need to choose the correct machinery properly according to the desired production output and specific product.
- You should know what are the raw materials required for the production of Phenyl
In the simple steps to initiate Phenyl Manufacturing Business Plan the sixth step is you should know what are the raw materials required for the production of Phenyl. In this step, apart from possessing the correct germicidal strength, phenyl should stand without separation for any length, whether exposed or not. The following are the raw materials required for the production of Phenyl:
- Firstly, Caster Oil
- Secondly, Sodium Hydroxide
- Thirdly, Carbolic acid perfumes
- After this, Rosin
- After that, Creosote Oil
- Then after, Monochloro Phenyl
- Lastly, Pine oil
Apart from the above raw materials, you need to arrange packaging items like the following:
- Firstly, cap
- Secondly, cartoons
- Thirdly, bottles
- You must know the Phenyl Manufacturing process
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You must know the Phenyl Manufacturing process is the last step in the simple steps to initiate Phenyl Manufacturing Business Plan. In this step, the following is the simple way to manufacture the liquid phenyl:
- Firstly, purchase the rogene of biroza which is available in the form of hard lumps in the market
- Secondly, heat this in the pan
- Thirdly, wait until it melts completely in the pan
- After this, mix the caustic soda in water
- After that, mix the caustic soda solution in liquid rogene
- Then after, mix the solution with the help of the following: stirrer or mixer
- Also, mix the creosote oil in the mixture
- Furthermore, add water that is added in such a quantity so that the whole mixture is mixed properly
- Additionally, mix it well and stir the solution
- Now, leave it to cool
- Then, pour it into the following: jars and bottles
- Lastly, according to the BIS specification of the liquid phenyl, you must maintain the quality standard
What are the types of Liquid Phenyl?
The following are the types of liquid phenyl:
- Firstly, White Liquid Phenyl
- Secondly, Brown Liquid Phenyl
- Thirdly, Black Liquid Phenyl
Where Phenyl is mostly used?
The following are the place that phenyl is mostly used:
- Firstly, hospitals
- Secondly, offices
- Thirdly, restaurant
- After this, colleges
- After that, human inhabitation
- Then after, homes
- Also, nursing homes
- Furthermore, hotels
- Additionally, schools
- Along with, railway station
- Lastly, bus stands
When Liquid Phenyl is poured in water without stirring it should readily disperse. When sufficiently diluted it should form a thick milky white emulsion. This is how an ordinary buyer would generally judge the quality of this disinfectant product.
