How To Start Paintball Business | SkillsAndTech
To open a paintball club business, you will need to put together multiple requirements. You need to choose a venue for the games to be played by participants, purchase necessary equipment & inventory, hire people for maintenance and advertising your services to potential customers.
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The ideal venues where participants could take part in games and competitions could be parks, sports complexes, abandoned buildings in your city, forest landings, and even recreational centers. It is very important to remind you that places with sand pvements are not suitable for paintball games. The soil should be grassy and earthy.
The safety of participants should be taken into consideration on priority. In other words, you should pay attention to the safety of game participants in order to avoid any untoward incident. Before you allow people to play the game, it is very much necessary that you conduct a proper inspection of the venue thoroughly in order to remove obstacles that may hurt the players. You will also be providing them first aid kit.
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Apart from what we have disclosed above, you will also need to purchase markers (automatons), masks, protective vests, a gas station and a transport balloon, a barrier net, and colored balloons.
The paintball club business makes a profit from a fixed fee for an hour of rental equipment, and profits from trading paintballs. Here is our calculation of startup costs required for opening a paintball club business.
A set of marker, mask, protective vest will cost 150-300 dollars, it will take at least 20 sets, i.e. $3000-$6000. The rest of the inventory (gas station, grid, etc.) is $2500-4000. That is, the initial cost of opening the club will be $5000-7000. For servicing the games will be enough 3-4 people staff. Salary costs will take on the level of $500 per month.
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Initial costs can be recovered in approximately 6 months to 1 year. It is worth considering that in winter, the game will have to be stopped due to adverse weather conditions.