How To Start PVC Pipe Manufacturing Business In India| SkillsAndTech
Do you want to start the PVC pipe manufacturing business in this article we get you through the detailed about PVC pie manufacturing business plan
PVC stands for Polyvinyl–Chloride. PVC pipe widely used material for electrical, irrigation and construction industry, PVC pipe is an alternative for electrical, irrigation and construction industry. PVC pipe is used in electric applications also used for water supply it is having many applications.
PVC pipes come in different sizes, shapes, colors, and functionality and have the property of light-weight, low cost, easy installation, non-corrosiveness, high tensile strength to withstand high fluid pressure etc. therefore PVC pipes are used in various applications.
Table of Contents
Potential of PVC Pipe Manufacturing Business
The PVC pipe market is increasing rapidly because the government spending on the infrastructures, the growth of the agricultural and construction sectors is helping to enhance the demand for PVC pipe
PVC pipes are used for various applications like water supply schemes; spray irrigation, deep tube well schemes, and PVC pipe are also used for land drainage schemes.
PVC pipes are available in different sizes according to the requirements, the demand for the 100mm diameter PVC pipe is 60% of total demand for the PVC pipe due to the evolution of rural areas.

The market demand for the PVC pipe is tremendously high; Therefore PVC pipe manufacturing is a great to venture that gives you a good return on the investment of small capital.
PVC Pipe Making Business Licenses
Registration of Firm:
You may start the small to medium PVC Pipe Manufacturing business either a Proprietorship or Partnership Firm.
If you are starting this PVC Pipe Manufacturing business as One Person Company, then you have to register your firm as a proprietorship.
For Partnership operation, you have to register as a limited liability partnership (LLP) or Pvt. Ltd. Company with Registrar of Companies (ROC).
GST Registration:
GST registration is mandatory to run the business.
Trade License:
Obtain Trade License from Municipal authority.
Pollution Certificate:
PVC pipe manufacturing business may deal with the environmental pollution, therefore, you need to apply for the pollution certificates.
See Also:
MSME/SSI Registration:
MS ME/SSI Registration will allow you to get the government facility and scheme related to the PVC pipe manufacturing business.
Trade Mark:
you can secure your brand name by registering the trademark.
IEC code:
if you are planning to export the PVC pipe then the IEC code is required for the exportation of the product.

You can also apply for ISO Certification.
Area Required For PVC Pipe Production Unit
While starting business Selection of the area location is an important as well as difficult task to do.
You can start the PVC Pipe Manufacturing business with minimum 500 sq ft are space. Ensure that the area is having the facility like water supply, drainage supply, and electricity supply.
Make sure that the location is easily accessible by the targeted market and raw material is easily available in the location.
If you are looking for the rental area for the manufacturing business keep in minds that the area must be in the nonresidential area.
PVC Pipe Manufacturing Raw Materials
Raw material playing an important role in the every manufacturing business, the quality of the final product depends upon the raw material used to make the product.
While purchasing the raw material ensures that the supplier is providing you a good quality material in the reasonable price.
The raw material used for PVC pope making are PVC resin, Stabilizers, Processing acids, Lubricants, chloride, vinyl, Colors, Fillers.
Use of raw material in PVC pipe making is as follow
PVC pipe involves the bonding of chloride and vinyl they use polymerization to mix chemicals including an initiator.
PVC resin:
produces a granulated dust substance
used during processing while additives like color are introduced.
PVC Pipe Manufacturing Machine
There are different types of machinery available in the market, you need to select the right one by considering the production demand and the investment, here we mention the machinery required for the PVC pipe making according to the specification of the machines that helps you to select the right machine for your PVC pipe manufacturing unit.
The most important machine you need is high-speed mixers and pipe extruder, selects the screw extruder which has a cooling tank, vacuum sizing.
Another machine required for the business is a scraper; the production process involves different sizes of dyes, weight balance, and overhead storage tanks and recycles pumps.
List of PVC Pipe Manufacturing Machine
See Also:
Mahindra First Choice Franchise
- Cooling Tank
- Different Dyes
- Gravity Lead
- Grinder
- High-Speed Mixers
- Overhead Tanks
- Recycle Pumps
- Rigid Pipe Extruder
- Scraper
- Screw Extruder
Chemical testing laboratory equipment such as chemical balance, Oven, and equipment with testing equipment, apparatus for testing bulk density, specific gravity lead and tin estimation
Laboratory Equipment consisting of capacity testing apparatus, Impact tests, compressive strength, Hydraulic pressure apparatus.
PVC Pipes Manufacturing Process
Here we have given 5 step PVC Pipes Manufacturing Process which gives you exact ideation about the manufacturing proccess for PVC pipe.
Steps Guide For PVC Pipes Manufacturing Process
Step 1. Make Compound Resin
PVC resin is not suitable for direct processing; therefore, it needs to add additives with the PVC resin.
To manufacture the rigid PVC pipe following additives are mixed with the PVC resin
DOP, DIOP, DBP, DOA, DEP, Replace, Perplex etc.
lead, barium, cadmium, tin, stearate etc.
generally used lubricants are Buty-Stearate, Glycerol Moni-Stearate, Epoxidised Monoester of oleic acid, stearic acid etc.
Filters are used to improve stability.
PVC resin is to be compounded with plasticizers, stabilizers, lubricants, and fillers in a high-speed mixer
Step 2. Extrusion
The compound resin is poured into the double screw extruder which has fitted dies of required pipe diameter.
The PVC compounds are then passed through a heating chamber and get melted under the compression of the screw at a specific temperature.
The marking on the pipe is done at the same time.
Step 3. Sizing
The pipe coming out from extrusion are hot due to heating chamber process, they cooled in sizing process, you can use either pressure sizing processor or vacuum sizing process
Step 4. Traction
The tube traction unit is required for continuous transport of the pipes being extruded by the extruder.
Step 5. Cutting
The very last operation looked-for is cutting. The pipes are cut into the standard size and send for the dispatch
PVC Pipe Marketing Strategies
Once you are done with the all the procedure and production of PVC pipe you have to create the proper marketing plan for PVC pipe Manufacturing Business.
Creating a marketing plan for is a very important task in PVC pipe production business here we have mentioned some market for PVC Pipe production.
How to sell PVC Pipe In Local market
You can sell your PVC Pipe product to your local retailer market.
See Also:
How to sell PVC Pipe Wholesale market
You can sell your PVC Pipe product to the wholesale market in bulb amount.
How to sell PVC Pipe Online
B2B Websites:
Register your business on B2B websites like
- Alibaba
- Indiamart
- Tradeindia
- Exportersindia
Where you can sell your product on bulk orders.
B2C Websites:
Register your business on B2C websites like
- Amazon
- Flipkart
- Snapdeal
Where you can sell your product directly to the customer.
Export Market For PVC Pipe
The PVC pipe product has great demand in the international market so if you are planning to export the export PVC Pipe to other countries then you have to take IEC code which is mandatory for export of product in any business.
PVC Pipe Branding and Uniqueness
There are many PVC pipe manufacturers so you have to build your brand uniqueness in PVC Manufacturing Business. If your product is of good quality then you don’t have to worry about the sale of your product
PVC Pipe Factory Investment
How much PVC pipe factory investment required? With developing government infrastructure projects, residential and industrial building jobs, industrial manufacturing and agricultural jobs, expansion is ensured at the PVC plumbing industry. Another fantastic source of expansion is the possible market for the replacement of aging pipes together with all the modern-day PVC pipes.
In accordance with the prediction, the Indian plastic pipe is predicted to grow at a compound yearly growth rate of 14 percent from 2016 to 2025.
The vinyl pipe business is composed of PVC pipes, Polyethylene pipes, Polypropylene pipes and other sorts of plastic pipes. Back in India, PVC pipes would be the one that contributes to the manner amongst all others and is longing to get a lively growth in the next several years.
