Blaze Pizza Franchise Cost, Profit, How to Apply, Requirement, Investment, Review | SkillsAndTech

Blaze Pizza Franchise Cost, Profit, How to Apply, Requirement, Investment, Review | SkillsAndTech

Are you looking for a Blaze Pizza franchise? But are you still confused about whether this Franchise is a good investment or not? Do not worry. In this article, we will provide all the information related to Blaze Pizza Franchise that will help you in making this decision. So let’s begin.

About The Blaze Pizza

Blaze Pizza is a wholly customized pizza place with a solid commitment to using the traditional ingredient. Furthermore, Blaze pizza aims to create the style of ‘chipotle of pizza,” which is inspired by chipotle restaurants.

And Blaze pizza chain specializes in oven-fried pizzas, which take a short time to cook with a dozen toppings, including some non-traditional options like gorgonzola cheese and vegan chorizo. You also have the option of choosing your sauce, topping, meats, veggies, and cheese.

People at Blaze pizzas set up their counter every day so you can choose your preference and tell the staff how you want your pizza to makes.

History Of The Blaze Pizza

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In 2011, Rick and Elise Wetzel founded Blaze pizza in Pasadena, California. And the first branch was opened in Irvine, California, in 2012. The Blaze pizza came up with twist fast-fried oven pizza. Their average cook time is 3mintues, and the most important thing is that the customers can choose their favorite toppings on a pizza. So this new concept is loved by the customers.

As The Blaze pizza became famous in 2012, they opened their second branch in Pasadena. Their annual revenue grossed at $1.8 million from the Irvine branch and $2.5 million from the Pasadena branch during the first year.

In 2014, Blaze pizza became the first fast-fried restaurant to achieve 50 opened units. And now, the company has more than 343 restaurants in 39 states of the U.S. They want to reach more than 800 Blaze pizza stores in 2025.

Franchise Model For Blaze Pizza

Initial Investment$30,000
Advertisement-fee2% of gross sale


Blaze Pizza gives you proper training in sales, procedures, online ordering, and the gift card program. The purpose behind this training is to maintain the goodwill of the restaurant. Blaze Pizza has a unique style of building its pizza.

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The restaurant runs on this goodwill, so they will teach you all the small aspects of their restaurant like serving style, menu, recipe, etc. They provide two weeks of training, and that intensive training is followed by another two weeks at your location.

Advantage Of A Blaze Pizza Franchise

  • Eco-friendly packaging and build
  • Customize pizza in just 3minutes
  • Passionate to build successful Franchise
  • The healthiest option for customers


Is Blaze Pizza Franchise A Good Investment?

Yes, the Blaze Pizza franchise is a low-risk Investment, and mostly all the Franchise has a high rate of success.

What Is The Best Blaze Pizza?

Red vine pizza is the best option at Blaze pizza.

How Many Slices Are In 11-Inch Blaze Pizza?

Six slices.

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