How to Start a Steel Manufacturing Business In India| SkillsAndTech
Here I have shared a complete guide on how to start a steel manufacturing company. There is no better opportunity to start a business in the steel and metals industry.
The marketplace is fast-paced and rivalry is savage, yet you have something to offer that separates you from every other person. It’s an ideal opportunity to work for yourself, not another person, and put benefits in your own pockets. Starting another business will take hard work and responsibility. Here is some guidance on how to start a business in the steel and metals industry.
Table of Contents
How To Make Business Plan For Steel Manufacturing Business
Like any other business, you need to compose a marketable strategy. Create your statement of purpose, evaluate your customer base or demographic, and consider what makes your business not quite the same as potential competitors. Carefully recording your strategy and goals offers guidance as you make the major choices that will rejuvenate your business.
How To Choose Location For Steel Manufacturing Business
The nature of your business will dictate the size and location of your facility. Consider the sellers and providers you may require, as well as who your potential customers will be. You may decide to be located geographically near key providers to lessen transportation or conveyance costs. Being near customers could make it more gainful and profitable when giving subsequent administrations. Certain people groups may also offer advantages, for example, tax motivating forces, for carrying new openings to the area.
What Licenses Required for Steel Manufacturing Business
Register Company:
When you are starting a business you must register your company.
Trade Licenses:
Before you start your business you must get trade licenses from government authority.
You must obtain trade mark for your business. Every business must obtain a trade mark so that they can get recognition for your business.
MSME/SSI Registration:
MSME/SSI Registration will make you eligible for government schemes and facilities, so if you are wishing to get the government subsidies or schemes regarding to your business then you must have to apply for MSME/SSI Registration
GST Registration:
Get GST number (compulsory for all business after GST rule), tax identification number and insurance certificate
IEC code:
If you are planning to export the papad to other countries then you have to take IEC code which is mandatory for export of product in any business.
EPF Registration:
Employees state insurance which is an insurance scheme for workers.
ESI Registration:
Employees provident fund is compulsory for the business where more than 20 employees are working.
Pollution Certificate:
apply for pollution certificate because steel manufacturing business farm produces an offensive odour.
What Raw Material Required For Steel Production
The three main raw materials used to make pig iron (which is the raw material needed to make steel) for primary steel production in a blast furnace are the processed iron ore, coke (residue left after heating coal in the absence of air, generally containing up to 90% carbon) and limestone (CaCO3) or burnt lime (CaO), which are added to the blast furnace at regular intervals.
See Also:
Ironmaking furnaces require at least a 50% iron content ore for efficient operation. However, the cost of shipping iron ore means that it is often purified to some degree before being shipped – a process called ‘beneficiation’. These processes include crushing, screening, tumbling, floatation, and magnetic separation. The refined ore is enriched to over 60% iron by these processes and is often formed into pellets before shipping.
In secondary steel production – in an electric arc furnace – scrap is the primary raw material. Scrap is also used in smaller quantities in primary steel production in order to control the reduction reaction (from iron oxides to ‘free’ Fe ions)
There are several basic elements which can be found in all commercial steels. Carbon is a very important element in steel since it allows the steel to be hardened by heat treatment. Only a small amount of carbon is needed to produce steel: up to 0.25% for low carbon steel, 0.25-0.50% for medium carbon steel, and 0.50-1.25% for high carbon steel. Steel can contain up to 2% carbon, but over that amount it is considered to be cast iron, in which the excess carbon forms graphite. The metal manganese is used in small amounts (0.03-1.0%) to remove unwanted oxygen and to control sulfur. Sulfur is difficult to remove from steel and the form it takes in steel (iron sulfide, FeS) allows the steel to become brittle, or hot-short, when forged or rolled at elevated temperatures. Sulfur content in commercial steels is usually kept below 0.05%. A small quantity of phosphorus (usually below 0.04%) is present, which tends to dissolve in the iron, slightly increasing the strength and hardness.
Steel can be given many different and useful properties by alloying the iron with other metals such as chromium, molybdenum, nickel, aluminum, cobalt, tungsten, vanadium, and titanium, and with nonmetals such as boron and silicon.
What Machinery Material Required For Steel Production
- General Industrial Technologies: Like any other industrial unit, a wide variety of conveyor belts, motors, heaters, boilers and reboilers, exhausts, heat recovery units, pumps, pipelines, cranes, and other basic machines are incorporated in a steel plant. These are not specific to steel industries, but a general set of tools required in any sort of manufacturing facility. They are primarily used for facilitating the handling part of the process, or its secondary operations like heating, transporting, etc. They form a supplementary system, through which the individual machinery are connected.
- Rolling Mill: The Rolling mill is operated in a steel plant, for hot-rolling the steel bars/billets, uniformly, without causing any defects and impurities in its composition. The rolling mill incorporates cylindrical rollers, in opposing pairs or against flat plates, to shape the steel products. The rolling mill consists of a roughing mill train, intermediate mill trains, and finishing mill train with D.C. drives, for continuous operation. At Agni Steels, This is used primarily for converting billets into high-quality TMT Steel bars by applying heat, pressure and subjected to quenching.
- Quench Box: Quenching refers to the process of rapidly cooling a hot metal to improve its physical strength and hardness, by exposing the metal with fresh water. Freshwater is injected at regular intervals into the nozzles that are equally spaced along the cooling length of the rod. Quench box is an intricate piece of machinery that involves handling of near-melting temperatures of steel, and cooling them with water. The quality of quench box determines the quality of quenching that the rod is subjected to, which in turn affects the layers that determine its physical properties.
See Also:
How to make steel
At the most basic, steel is made by mixing carbon and iron at very high temperatures (above 2600°F).
Primary steelmaking creates steel from a product called “pig iron.” Pig iron is smelted iron, from ore, which contains more carbon than is correct for steel.
The steelmaker uses a system that bubbles oxygen through melting pig iron. This process creates equal oxidization throughout the molten metal. Oxidization removes excess carbon. It also vaporizes or binds impurities made of elements like silicon, phosphorus, and manganese.
Secondary steelmaking is done “in the ladle.” It is a process of refining and alloying steel. Secondary steelmaking can start by melting scrap, or continues a primary process. Elements can be added to get a specific alloy. The steelworker can also remove surface impurities (de-slagging). The ladle is heated and cooled to the temperatures needed for the necessary chemical processes.
building materials. Continuous casters create standardized raw steel shapes rather than near-finished parts. Raw steel will be machined or worked into final products. Steel mills commonly cast and form sheets, billets, bars, blooms, pipes, ingots, and wires.
A mill may also hot-roll or cold-roll steel during production. These processes create different shapes and finishes. Before shipment, the steel might be cut, spooled, or bundled before leaving the mill.
In foundry or mill, steel may be heat treated. Final steps like quenching, tempering, normalizing and annealing can shape the way the alloy behaves in an application.
How To Sell Steel In Market
Once you are done with the steel making process you need to create the marketing plan for steel Making Business so you have to look for steel market in India here we have mentioned some targeted market for the steel business which you can consider as a market place.
How To Sell Steel In Local Market
You can sell your steel product to your local retailer market.
How To Sell Steel In Wholesale Market
You can sell your steel product to the wholesale market in bulb amount.
How To Sell Steel Online
B2B Websites:
If you are looking for how to sell steel online then Register your business on B2B websites like
- Alibaba
- Indiamart
- Tradeindia
- Exportersindia
Where you can sell your steel product on bulk orders.
See Also:
B2C Websites:
Register your steel business on B2C websites like
- Amazon
- Flipkart
- Snapdeal
- Bigbasket
Where you can sell your steel product directly to the customer
Steel Export Business
The steel product has great demand in the international market so If you are planning to start steel export then you have to take IEC code which is mandatory for export of product in any business.
Steel Business Branding and Uniqueness
If your product is of good quality then you don’t have to worry about the sale of your product
Here we have mentioned some points that you have to remind while creating and implementing the marketing plan
While selling your steel product to local distributor or retailer ask them to promote your product by simply telling people to buy your steel ; Try to expand your client base using your recent customers.
If they like your product they help you to sellout more by simply telling other people about steel product
