How to get admission in du ?
There are two way of admission
- merit based
- entrance based

The process of DU admission will commence with the release of the du application from 2021 in online mode . Candidates can fill the form for DU admission 2021 at from july 2021 .
Keep a note that the UG course admission at DU take place through the entrance exam. DU 2021 admission are expected to be carried out through 8-9 DU cut off rounds .
Delhi University 2021will be held by the varsity for enrolling candidates at 69,554 seats ,out of which 3921 will be for ECA + sports category admission.
Do different college of DU have different criteria of admissions ?
No, every college affiliated with university follow similar criteria for admissions. which is framed by the Delhi university administration for each course. except St. Stephens college which have its own admission process.
- After logging in, the applicant must read the declaration and accept it before starting
the online registration process by clicking “Continue”. - The entire registration form is divided into nine tabs (sections/pages) and applicant need to enter details in each of the section . the color of there tab indicate the status of the information entered by the applicant, which is as follows. Orange → editable Green indicate complete and red indicate incomplete.
Table of Contents
- In the first section/screen, the applicant needs to fill the “Personal Details” (as in the applicant’s marksheets/certificates). The fields namely name, email have been populated automatically.
- The applicant can update the mobile number in case needed, anytime till the online portal is open for registration.
- The applicant needs to choose the “Gender” carefully. The wrong selection may lead to incorrect choices in Sports/ECA/College Choice. In case of a transgender, enter the choice as “Other”.
- The applicant shall enter the “Date of Birth” as it appears on the applicant’s class X certificate
- The applicant may enter the “Aadhaar Card Number”, if available.
- The applicant shall select the Category (unreserved/OBC non-creamy layer/SC/ST) from the drop-down menu. Further, the OBC Non-Creamy layer.
- (Central list) category applicants should choose their state name, community & Annual Family Income for the last financial year (2017-18).
- As the applicant scrolls down the page, the applicant shall enter the Family Details. They are advised to enter all the details, though all fields are not mandatory except Mother’s Name and citizenship. If you are not a citizen of India, you will not be allowed to proceed and be logged out with the message.
- “Foreign nationals are advised to contact Foreign Students’ Registry Office or visit to apply for admission in the University of Delhi.
Applicant needs to furnish the Bank Details for the refund of fee in case of cancellation of admission. Keep bank account number and IFSC handy and enter it carefully.
In the second section/page, the applicant needs to enter the “Academic Details” (as in the Applicant’s Certificates).
Merit based Course Selection
Inside the 1/3 section/page, the applicant can choose any range of publications (where admission is based on advantage) based on applicant’s eligibility.
Inside the 1/3 section/page, the applicant can choose any range of publications (where admission is based on advantage) based on applicant’s eligibility. There is no extra registration fee charges for applying to multiple
The ladies candidates (citizens of delhi) may be taken into consideration eligible for
Admissions in NCWEB.
click on on the “post” button to see the preview display and flow to next
Segment by means of clicking “subsequent”.
Candidates are free to pick as many guides as they want. the choice doesn’t
Ensure admission.
Entrance based Course Selection
In the fourth section/page, the applicant can select any number of courses(where admission is based on entrance) based on applicant’s eligibility. The admission these programmes are based on entrance exam.
In the fifth (Sports) section/page, an applicant can select “Yes” for consideration of admission through sports.
In the sixth (ECA Quota) section/page, the applicant can select “Yes” for
consideration of admission through ECA quota.
Under ECA there are various categories, which are further sub-categorized.
Applicant can select the appropriate category/sub-category and shall upload
only the highest level of certificate.
After clicking the “submit” button the applicant can either apply for another ECA category by clicking on “Add another activity” or else proceed to the next section by clicking “Next”.
There is an additional fee of Rs. 100 each activity to apply under ECA
In the seventh (Uploads) section/page, the applicant has to upload the
Passport size photograph of the applicant. The size of the photo should be 2
inch x 2 inch (5 mm x 5 mm).
Scanned signature of the applicant.
Class X certificate/mark sheet containing Date of birth Self attested Class XII Mark-Sheet, if result is announced. (In case the Mark Sheet is not issued by the Board then the self-attested copy of the Mark-Sheet downloaded from the respective board’s website should be uploaded).
In the eighth section/page applicant can preview the completed
application. Kindly make sure that all fields have been entered.
In the ninth section / page, applicant can proceed to the online registration payment Applicant’s online registration process shall be completed only after payment and realization of the online registration fee.

Do a female candidate get relaxation during admission in Delhi University ?
- Yes, few colleges provide 1-3% relaxation for a female candidate. The objective behind this is to maintain balance between male and female students ratio in the college.
Is math is compulsory in class 12th for admission in
- Yes, Math is compulsory in classes 12th for Honours however its not Compulsory for Program.
Can I pursue LL.B delhi university after 12 ?
No, Delhi university offer only 3 years LL.b course which you can pursue only after completing your graduation.
Can I get admission in DU with 60 percent?
For scores between 40% and 60%
You will get a DU degree after three years. Cut-offs for Sanskrit (honours) also dip to this range in regular colleges.
IS du offer bba ?
yes but the basis of entrance.
DU conduct online admission this year so good luck stay indoor and and safe .