Cashew nut Processing Business How To Start, Cost, Raw Material, Profit, Plan, Idea | SkillsAndTech
The cashew nut processing business started in the late 1960s and has become one of the main cultures after tea and coffee. Processed cashew nuts can be eaten directly or in various forms of food.
India has 8 popular cashew nut commercial growing states, namely Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Kerala, Karnataka, Odisha, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Tamilna In Germany, more than 70% of the total cashew nut production comes from the Ratnagiri region on the west coast. North Canara and Malabar are in Madras, Cochin, and Trafancor.
Cashews are seasonal fruits. Raw cashews must not be eaten. They must be processed before they can be eaten.
Cashew nuts are a source of energy, vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants. They are good for human health and help us protect us from cancer and other diseases.
Cashew nuts can be made from high-quality materials anywhere. , A profitable business. This article aims to help you understand what a cashew nut processing plant is like.
Do you need to start a cashew business in India? Is it small or run away? Then here is a step-by-step guide on how to start a cashew nut processing plant, including production procedures, required licenses, setup costs, machines, etc. These countries are popular areas for commercial cashew nut cultivation. Raw cashews cannot be eaten directly. Processing is critical. In India, even cashew nut processing plants are very profitable small farms. All of these are directly digested or converted into a series of foods, such as salted cashews, kaju burfi, curry cashews, etc. The plant plays an important role in the production of cashew nuts.
Table of Contents
Cashew Nut Business: Potential (Market Opportunity)
The demand for cashew nuts is increasing day by day. It is one of the main agricultural assets that India exports overseas.
India is the main country and cashew nut processing industry for the production, processing, consumption and export of cashew nuts in India. With the world’s highest productivity level
More than 70% of the world’s processed cashew nuts are exported from India. The Cashew Nut Export Promotion Council of India (CEPCI) is committed to the promotion of cashew nuts and liquid cashew nut shells (CSLN).
The domestic market also has demand for two-thirds of the total output, because cashew nuts are the most widely consumed family in India.
Cashew nut processing company registration and license
When opening a cashew nut processing plant, some registration and licensing procedures are required.
List of registrations and permits required to start cashew nut business.
- Company registration:
You can set up a small and medium-sized cashew nut processing plant as a company or your own business.
If you want to start a private cashew nut business, you must register your business as the owner.For a partnership to work, you must be a limited liability company (LLP) or Pvt. Limited company. At the Registry of Commerce (ROC). - GST registration:
GST registration allows you to obtain a GST number that is required by all businesses. - Business license:
Obtained a lease license from the local government. - Environmental certificate:
Cashew nut production will cause environmental pollution; therefore, you need to obtain an environmental certificate. - MSME/SSI registration:
Cashew nut production is machine production. When you register your business at the MSME / SSI Registry, you can get government subsidies and benefits. - Boiler inspector license:
The owner of the cashew machine needs a boiler manager license. - Trademark:
You can protect your cashew nut manufacturer’s trademark by registering a trademark.
Cashew processing department-the desired area (location)
See Also
You should have about 500 square feet of land, which is more than enough for your small cashew nut maker.The surface must be smooth and have enough space for the cashews to dry in the sun.You should check the availability of related works and the market where you sell the product.This is an important indicator for calculating the total cost of preparation.
Raw material for processing cashew nuts
The main raw material is cashew nuts.Find the best supplier of raw materials and equipment for your market. Usually raw materials are needed, so it is essential to obtain quality products at affordable prices.Please conduct appropriate investigations before hiring a supplier.
Plant and equipment for processing cashew nuts.
Cashew machine can be sold anywhere in the country. However, this area must be selected consciously.Faced with a prepared market and poor performance, make a conscious decision.
However, you can use transportation vehicles to transport raw cashews from the raw material development area to the cooking plant.
Nevertheless, the establishment of a unit in Cashew Territory includes fast lane and forward and reverse lane preferences.
Cashew nut processing machinery and equipment list
- Cooking container
- Cashew nut filling machine
- Cashew peeling machine
- Cooking container
- Cold cut filter
- Hand cutting device
- Hot oven
- Ventilation hood
- Cashew sorting machine, multi-color
- Parts separator
- Sealing machine
- Semi-automatic
- Steam filling Equipment
- Boiler
- Steam pipe
- Steam pipe
- Weighing steam pipe
Cashew production
Raw cashews purchased from farmers or local markets
These nuts should be dried in the sun for 2-3 days before processing, and then stored in jute bags for processing.
Step 1) Initial cleaning:
First, mix raw cashew nuts and put them into bags.
Step 2) Steaming:
Peel the stored walnuts, then steam them in a pressure vessel to soften the shells of the cashews
This is necessary because the cashews are lost inside after steaming and can be easily removed from the shells
Step 3) Cut the shells :
Open the cashew nut shell lengthwise, and take out the cashew nut from the shell by hand or with a cutting device.
Step 4) Steaming:
Put the cashew nuts in an oven and dry them at a certain temperature, so that the shells of the cashew nuts are easy to peel off.
Step 5) Peeling:
The pink layer on the outside of the cashew nut, called “batter”, is removed and the cashew nut is ready to eat.
Step 6) Classification:
Cashews are classified into 6 different types according to color, size and baking conditions. Horticulture and grain crushing; classification is based on AGMARK standards.
Step 7) Packaging:
Cashew nuts are ready for packaging before packaging. The nursery is dry so that the moisture content is 3%.
Processed cashews can be stored in jute bags to prevent moisture loss
How to sell cashews
See Also
cashews-local market
Find a market near you and they will tell you where to sell cashews.
Find hotels and restaurants near you, talk to famous chefs and restaurants, and tell them your cashews.
Cashew Nut Wholesale Market
You can sell cashews at the wholesale market in your town.
Cashew Nuts-Online Store
Register your cashew nut business on the B2B website, such as
- Alibaba
- Indiamart
- Tradeindia
- Exportersindia
etc., where you can wholesale your products.
B2C Websites:
Register your Cashew nut business on B2C websites like
- Amazon
- Flipkart
- Snapdeal
- Bigbaske
etc. where you can sell your product directly to the customer.
Brand and uniqueness.
In addition to all classic advertising forms; online advertising is a very effective and efficient way of brand promotion.
Sales companies are involved in researching competition, analyzing competition, and making plans to promote brands.
You can open your own online store to sell your products, or you can link to another hosting site to help you sell your products and promote them to customers.
Advertising is an important step in starting a business.
From the day of graduation, you must develop your own business in order to start a cashew nut manufacturing company.
It will be launched later this season and will get a good number of customers when your first generation device is ready.
Cashew nut processing business training-
If you want to start a cashew nut processing company, you can do it with or without cashew nut processing business training. However, he will recommend that you take a cashew nut processing course, which will give you the confidence to successfully start your business.
Cashew processing online course:
You can take an online cashew processing business course, which will help you learn and understand the business without going anywhere. If you are looking for online training, you can click on the link below and start the relevant training program.
Offline training of commercial cashew nut processing:
If you want someone to introduce cashew nut processing business to you in person, you can participate in offline cashew nut processing training courses. There you will find all information about the company.
How to Start Cashew nut Processing Business | SkillsAndTech
