Mobile Accessories Business

Mobile Accessories Business In India Cost, Investment, Profit, Requirements | SkillsAndTech

Though investing in any business idea is never an easy call, but by applying the right strategy and using a well-crafted business plan, you can achieve assured success in your business. In addition to this, opting to do a business that has an extensive reach of people praising it is one big add on to its success. Furthermore, one such business idea is Mobile Accessories Business. Choosing to become an entrepreneur is a decision that can bring a lot of exciting and good opportunities to you. Additionally, opting to invest in a business idea that is extremely popular amongst people adds a lot to your success.

While we think and plan to invest in a business idea, we often face a lot of questions, such as- will the business grow? Will it generate the expected profit? Should I really invest in it? and this list is a bit long.

Whenever we decide to begin with something new and different in life, we face challenges, and there are even risks involved in it. But, with a growing business idea like the Mobile Accessories Business, the success rate is fully assured.

Therefore, let us now learn all about the Mobile Accessories Business in complete detail.

The Idea behind Choosing Mobile Accessories Business

In the above-given paragraph, we briefly discussed the reason behind choosing the Mobile Accessories Business, but now we will learn a little about why we should give preference to do such a business. Working in every sector has its own challenges, risk factors, perks, and benefits involved. But this fact cannot be avoided that doing a business provides an individual more success in comparison to a job. Hence, it can be clearly stated that investing in a business idea can be the right alternative for budding entrepreneurs as well as for small-scale businessmen.

Additionally, with the harsh circumstances and situations caused due to the outbreak of the deadly COVID-19 pandemic, the condition of the market has constantly been depriving. Though taking a lot of precautions and tough step like complete lockdown in the country, the situation could be handled as the cases reduced. But, now, with again rapidly growing cases of COVID-19, it is again witnessed that the job market has started to suffer, and people have started living with a fear of losing their jobs anytime.

This is the biggest reason that why an individual who is planning to start his/her career should invest in a business idea like the Mobile Accessories Business. Moreover, investing in a popular business idea always brings new opportunities to you, turning you into a successful business entrepreneur.

An In-depth Analysis

Choosing to invest in a Mobile Accessories Business is an excellent idea for budding entrepreneurs as this is a business idea that has a great profit margin and is also a business in high demand. Furthermore, the mobile accessories business is a business that has a massive reach and an extensive market at present. Besides, you can manufacture the mobile accessories and sell them in your local market very easily as they have a great demand amongst people of every age group.

A mobile phone is a device that has continued to evolve more and more for the betterment of humankind. In addition to this, it means that not only technology helped us grow better, but with the development of smartphones, all of our work, daily activities, and other related things have become comparatively easy and even interesting.

Moreover, in a harsh condition that was caused due to the outbreak of the COVID 19 pandemic, we could stay connected, learn, groom, and even entertain ourselves only with the help of our mobile phones.

Importance of Mobile Accessories

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Have we ever asked a normal question to ourselves that what is a mobile alone without its supportive accessories?? Ever thought of using a mobile phone interestingly and without holding on any dependency on any of its accessories??

Well, if we go deep in that thought, then the answer is a possible no. Besides, the reason behind this is that using a mobile for a long period of time without charging is not possible; the mobile phone will turn off or will be switched off. Except for this, making calls while working is not possible without using an earphone, Air Pods, Bluetooth earphones, or other related accessories.

Therefore, it is clearly understood that using a mobile phone cannot be done easily without using its accessories together with it. Hence, mobile accessories are also equally important and also have great demand in the existing market.

Why are Mobile Accessories Important??

  • In the world and time that we are living in, having a mobile phone is not anything new or different. But, why is it equally important to own mobile accessories also??
  • The answer is quite simple and easy to understand.
  • It is the safety of our devices that we want to secure, and it is only possible by acquiring suitable mobile accessories for our mobile phones.
  • Additionally, carrying a mobile phone everywhere we go is not safe completely. Hence, we tend to secure its screen as well as the backside of the mobile phone with the help of a screen guard or a tempered glass and a back cover.
  • Furthermore, mobile accessories such as the- charger, Pop Sockets, selfie sticks, earphones, etc., also have equal importance just like a mobile phone.
  • Therefore, while you plan to invest in a Mobile Accessories Business, you must give importance to knowing about all the related devices and accessories.

Business Plan for Mobile Accessories Business

  • Intending to set up the Mobile Accessories Business, the primary requirement is to have a well-crafted and detailed business plan.
  • Additionally, you should be extremely clear about the mobile accessories that you want to use in your mobile accessories business.
  • Furthermore, to set up your mobile accessories business successfully, you are required to study your target market carefully.
  • Also, analyzing the target market thoroughly will help you in making a list of the local shops and stores around your location where you can easily sell your manufactured mobile accessories.
  • Moreover, marketing strategy is one of the most important factors that play a crucial role in establishing your business entity.
  • Except for this, to ensure the good marketing and sale of your mobile accessories, you must make your business plan with an effective marketing strategy.
  • Additionally, the costing and pricing of the manufactured product also plays an equally important role in improving the sales of your product and also increases its sale in the market.
  • Besides, to make and gain good customers in the initial phase of your mobile accessories business, it will be helpful if you keep the cost of your manufactured products reasonable and affordable.
  • Moreover, offering good discounts on more extensive sales will help you in selling your mobile accessories in bulk.

A Detailed Guide

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  • Since now we have understood about the Mobile Accessories Business and the importance of mobile accessories in our daily lives.
  • Let us now learn a little about the mobile accessories that have great market potential with a massive rate of demand and supply in the present market.

Investment for Mobile Accessories Business

The Mobile Accessories Business demands a good investment. The investment in the initial phase also depends on the number of mobile accessories that you target to manufacture. Besides, it also impacts the finance that you are required to invest in your business.

Secure a Location for your Business

  • To establish a business successfully, securing a suitable location is a necessity.
  • In addition to this, while securing a location for the mobile accessories business; you should be aware of your target market.
  • Additionally, you must be very clear about where you want to sell your mobile accessories.
  • Besides, your business entity location should be near to your local market so that it will be easy for you to attract customers.

License and Registration for Mobile Accessories Business

To establish a this manufacturing business, you must obtain specific licenses is a must.

Registration of Firm:

You may start the small to medium Business either a Proprietorship or Partnership Firm.

If you are starting this Business as One Person Company, then you have to register your firm as a proprietorship.

For Partnership operation, you have to register as a limited liability partnership (LLP) or Pvt. Ltd. Company with
Registrar of Companies (ROC).

GST Registration:

it is mandatory to get the GST number to run the business; you need to apply for the GST registration.

Trade License:

obtain trade license from local authorities

MSME/SSI Registration:

this MSME/SSI Registration will help you to get schemes and facility for the business offers by the state government

BIS certification:

BIS has mentioned the specific quality standard for Business. ISI specification for the

Trade Mark:

you can secure your brand with trademark registration

IEC code: 

IEC code is essential for the export of the product


state insurance which is an insurance scheme for workers.

ESI Registration:

Employees provident fund is compulsory for the business where more than 20 employees are working.

To comply with the above processes and registration, one might need any legal expert who would help in absolute legal compliance to meet industrial standards. 

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In modern time, mobile phones have become like a lifeline to people. It is even recognized as a boon as not only it helps us in staying connected, but it also serves multiple purposes at a time. Mobile phones cannot be used perfectly without their supporting pillar, the mobile accessories as these accessories make the experience of using mobile phones even better and interesting.

Considering the keen and growing interest of people in using mobile phones and mobile accessories, investing in the Mobile Accessories Business can be a great decision for the budding entrepreneurs and new businessperson.

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