Poultry Farm Business How To Start, Cost, Raw Material, Profit, Plan, Idea | SkillsAndTech
re you looking for Poultry Farm Business but don’t know how to initiate the business don’t worry here in this article we give you detailed information about Broiler poultry farming. Which help you to set up your broiler chicken business.
Poultry farming business has already proven to be a profitable business. Poultry farming has various types of domestic birds which are used as meat, eggs and feather production. Here in this article. We are describing poultry farming for beginners guide about how to start poultry farming in India.
Chicken’s is a major source of protein; broiler chicken business is suitable for the people who are looking for livestock farming.
Table of Contents
How to Start a Poultry Farm in India
How to start a poultry farm in India? Within this guide, we will help you with the basic idea, guidelines, and tips to start your Poultry Farm Business. Undoubtedly poultry farming is a profitable business if done properly. Also, there are lots of banks and financial institutions that provide loans for poultry farming.
From a wider perspective, poultry farming signifies raising a variety of kinds of domestic birds commercially for the purpose of meat, poultry, eggs, and feather creation.
Benefits Of Poultry Farming (Market Opportunity)
India is the 5th largest broiler chicken producer in the world. The per capita availability (available meat per person) is below the recommendable line by Indian Council of Medical Research which is 10kg per person for 1-year
Broiler chicken business is creating a great business opportunity in India. Therefore people are looking for how to open a poultry farm in India.
Broiler Chicken Farming Business Plan
Drafting broiler chicken farming business plan is an important task in the poultry farm business, a business plan will give you ideation about the boiler check poultry farm and you can proceed further for business.
Broiler chicken business plan includes some measurable factors like the market size for Broiler poultry farming, poultry business investment, poultry farm equipment and most important is broiler chicken breeds you are going to select for business.
See Also:
Broiler Chicken Production Type (Breeds)
You need to determine the production type of your poultry farm business. For that you need to determine your production purpose and then select proper broiler chicken breeds according to your desired production:
Broiler Chicken Breeds
Here we have listed some broiler chicken breeds:
Since broiler breeds are reared largely for meat purposes they are classified into 2 categories:
- Commercial broiler chicken breeds
- Dual-purpose broiler chicken breeds
Commercial Broiler Chicken Breeds:
Commercial Broiler Chicken Breeds only for the chicken meat. Commercial Chicken is genetically made to produce meat with a higher conversion rate than eggs. you have to choose the breed according to the demand of your market for Poultry Farm Business.
List of Commercial Broiler Chicken Breeds:
- Hubbard
- Cobb
- Caribro
- Avian
- Krishibro
- Varna
- Vencobb
- Hy-cobb
Commercial broiler chicken lifespan:
Commercial boiler chicken is getting slaughtered when they attain 6-8 weeks of age.
Dual Purpose Broiler Chicken Breeds
Dual Purpose Broiler Chicken Breeds modified for the chicken meat as well as eggs. Dual Purpose chicken is generally the ‘backyard’ variety. They are self-reliant, hardy and have a larger body.
The eggs that they lay have a brown-coloured shell.
List of Dual Purpose Broiler Chicken Breeds:
- Rhode Island Red
- New Hampshire
- White Plymouth Rock
- Gramapriya
- Red Vanaraja
License Required for Poultry Farm Business Plan
Registration of Firm:
You may start the small to medium poultry farm business either a Proprietorship or Partnership Firm.
If you are starting this business as One Person Company, then you have to register your firm as a proprietorship.
For Partnership operation, you have to register as a limited liability partnership (LLP) or Pvt. Ltd. Company with Registrar of Companies (ROC).
GST Registration:
Get GST number (compulsory for all business after GST rule), tax identification number and insurance certificate.
Trade License:
obtain the Trade License from local authorities.
Pollution Certificate:
apply for pollution certificate because poultry farm produces an offensive odour.
MSME/SSI Registration:
MSME/SSI Registration will make you eligible for government schemes and facilities, so if you are wishing to get the government subsidies or schemes regarding your Poultry Farm Business then you must have to apply for MSME/SSI Registration.
EPF Registration:
Employees state insurance which is an insurance scheme for workers.
ESI Registration:
See Also:
Employees provident fund is compulsory for the business where more than 20 employees are working.
Trade Mark:
Register your brand name with a trademark which will protect your brand.
Food Safety and Standard Authority of India (FSSAI):
the industry is categories under food processing industry; therefore, you must obtain the FSSAI license.
IEC code:
If you are planning to export the product to other countries then you have to take IEC code which is mandatory for export of product in any business.
Area Required For Poultry Farm
Selecting a good farm location for your Poultry Farm Business is an important task. You should select a location which has facilities like water supply, drainage supply and electricity supply.
Try to avoid setting up a poultry farm in residential areas, because poultry farms produce an offensive odour. Also, make sure that the poultry farm location is easily accessible from the targeted market.
Once you are done with the selecting the area required for poultry farm you need to divide that area into three parts which are Floor space, feeder space and waterier space.
Floor space, feeder space and waterier space requirement of broilers chicken is vary depending on the health condition of the birds.
Poultry House Construction Plans
Once you are done with the selecting farm location for Poultry Farm Business you need to construct a poultry house. For that, you need to draft poultry house construction plans. Here we have given poultry house construction plans which help you to construct a poultry house.
Poultry House Design
There are three types of Poultry housing system you can use that are following
- Extensive Poultry House Design
- semi-intensive Poultry House Design
- intensive Poultry House Design
The intensive system is most convenient for commercial production
It is recommended to provide 24 hours of light during the brooding time.
Also feed management is an important aspect Because Food plays a major role in poultry farming.
The feed must include healthy nutrition with regular fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, micronutrients in adequate amounts.
Vaccination For Poultry Chicken
Like any other livestock, the chicken must be vaccinated regularly to protect from diseases.
They are vaccinated right from the first day of their hatch till the 28th day.
Required Poultry Farm Equipment and Machinery
You need to purchase some poultry farm equipment for your poultry farm business.
Here we have listed some required poultry farm machinery to run a Broiler poultry farming successfully.
- Feeders
- Waterers
- Nests
- Cages
- Coops
- Crates
- Incubator
- Egg Tray
- Lighting Instruments
- erches
- Brooders Or Heaters
- Ventilation System
- Waste Disposal System
Labour Or Manpower Required For Broiler Poultry Farming
Labour or Manpower is directly depended on the number of birds available in poultry farm, poultry farming for beginners it is safe to start with a 200 to 500 number of birds then you can manage your poultry farm by yourself easily.
Where Can I Sell My Broiler Chickens
See Also:
Your boiler chicken is processed so it’s time work marketing plan into action and sell them. It is the most important task in poultry farm business here we have mansion some Marketing and promotional strategy which will give you the answer to Where Can I Sell My Broiler Chickens?
You can sale you boiler chicken in the farmer market using local strategies of marketing poultry product.
Also, look for the local retailer who will sell you chicken and egg product.
Wholesale market for Boiler Chicken
You can sale you boiler chicken product to the wholesale market in bulk amount.
Sell Fresh Chicken Online
B2B Websites:
Register your business on B2B websites like
- Alibaba
- Indiamart
- Tradeindia
- Exportersindia
Where you can sell your Fresh chicken online on bulk orders.
B2C Websites:
Register your business on B2C websites like
- Amazon
- Flipkart
- Snapdeal
- Bigbasket
Where you can sell your product directly to the customer.
Look For Chicken Export Procedure
If you are planning to export the poultry product to other countries then you have to look for the chicken export procedure also you have to take IEC code which is mandatory for export of product in any business
Broiler Chicken Farming Training
If you are planning to start poultry farm business in India it is recommended to look for broiler chicken farming training. For profitable Broiler poultry farming here we have mansion some fact which you must have to be reminding carefully while starting Chicken Broiler Business.
If you are planning to start poultry farming business you can get the
There are different Government training Institute according to states so you need to apply for your state government training institute
Poultry farming training Maharashtra
Poultry farming training in Delhi
Poultry farming training in Lucknow
Profitable Facts About Broiler Poultry Farming Training:
- Broiler production feed cost is high.
- Feed cost becomes 70% of the total cost.
- You should not provide much fat in broiler feed.
- You have to provide much fat broiler feed in warm weather.
- Broiler poultry can consume 65% of protein from its food.
- Broiler chicken consumes more food in the winter season
- Broiler chicken consumes less food in the summer season
- Broiler chicken gets affected by diseases quickly. So, be careful about the diseases of poultry look for vaccinations.
Poultry Farming Business Plan in India – concusion
You need to draw a poultry farming business plan in India; If you’re looking for a variety of avenues to earn, then you can consider starting a poultry farm. The poultry farm is just one of the fastest-growing agribusinesses. In order to boost egg production on three occasions, the Government is currently taking steps to the health of the kids can be improved and poultry farmers get rewards. The Government of India is currently running a National Livestock Mission only to the market poultry farm business. The Government is making generous investments and providing financial assistance to the BPL households for starting a poultry farming business in India.
How to Start Poultry Farm Business | SkillsAndTech
