Ball Pen Refill Making Business Cost, Investment, Profit, Requirements | SkillsAndTech
Doing the ball pen refill making business is not much complex and can be started easily. This business can be started as a home-based manufacturing process with an average investment. A ball pen is an essential tool used for writing and is used worldwide. The ball pens are also used by a lot of offices, educational institutions, stationery shops, etc., and hence this business has a great profit margin.
Table of Contents
With the changing time, the importance and value of writing have lessened. Earlier, the kids, students, office going people, etc. everyone used to write with ball pens. Everything the homework, reports, surveys, projects, write-ups, etc., all were used to be written with the help of ball pens. But with rapidly changing time, this picture has faded a little.
Due to the highly-growing impact of the technology-era we live in, our habit of using ball pens have been changing speedily. In the older times, we used to use the ball in a good quantity. The reason behind this was that we were more involved and dwelled in our real-world or space rather than living in the virtual world. As in the present time, people have lost interest in writing with ball pens (in reference to using ball pen and paper), this scenario has changed drastically.
A ball pen is an object whose importance might have faded with time, but its demand can never go out of fashion. Today in this article, we will discuss the importance, value, need, and demand for ball pens and their supporting pillar “refill”. Let’s begin now….
Advantages of Ball Pen
Writing with a ball pen has many advantages, and it also helps us in achieving the following:-
Builds Good Memory
- We cannot disagree with the fact that writing on a laptop or a PC is way faster than writing on paper.
- But, while we write using a keyboard or a keypad in the case of a Smartphone or an android, we tend to forget the things with the same speed we wrote.
- Intending to achieve good results, writing with a ball pen is more advisable as it helps you in remembering the things you write for a longer period.
- When we use a ball pen to write, we take and invest a certain amount of time in our writing. We take sufficient time to think more and think relevant, rather than just typing.
- Also, choosing to write with a ball pen comes with an additional benefit as it is the cheapest form of writing notes, articles, or any other form of writing.
- Additionally, in the harsh time faced due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, several offices have been facing tremendous financial losses.
- Hence, to lessen the impact of these losses, making office reports, drafts, etc., with the help of a ball pen, will be highly beneficial and will also contribute to reducing the expenses.
Reduces Online Distractions
- Not only has this technology-era drowned us in its attractive world, but has also attracted us to the verge of distraction.
- Both elders and kids tend to devote their major time using smart devices such as as- the PC, laptops, tablets, android phones, etc.
- As per the research conducted, it has been stated that nearly 64% of the employees are in the habit of accessing social media or anything visible online after every 10 minutes of working.
- Due to the massive and extensive use of the internet and all the online applications, people are being seen as highly distractive, apparently.
- These distractions can be completely avoided if you choose to do all your writing work with a ball pen. When you write on a computer or an android, the social media notifications and pop-ups can distract you easily, but all this can be avoided if you with a ball pen. You can concentrate on your work finishing it on time.
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Fuels up the Creativity-
- Writing with a ball pen not only helps us in avoiding and fighting distractions, but it also fuels up our creativity.
- When we can concrete fully on our work, we generate as well as deliver great results.
Critical Analysis
The reason behind delivering a great profit is the never-ending demand for ball pens. The rapidly growing and extensive use of ball pen has also majorly impacted the sales of its refills in the market. A refill is the pillar of the ball pen as it makes its user use the pen for a longer duration. Due to the high demand for ball pens refills amongst the students, office going people, the stationeries, wholesalers and retails, etc., the Ball Pen Refill Making Business can be established easily and assures complete success.
Business Plan for Ball Pen Refill Making Business
- To set up any business and achieve a good profit, you need to have a well-structured business plan.
- A business plan is referred to as the actions a person takes to set up the business.
- This plan consists of the strategy and plans a person can use to establish the business.
- The business plan also works to gain the attention of the sponsors and financers and helps you avail of the loan benefits.
Licenses and Permits
Entrepreneurs who are running their business on a small, medium or large scale must go for the registration. Thus, if you are willing to commence paneer making business in India, you need to meet the registration requirements and pass the registration process. The registration will render umbrella insurance coverage to your business. Besides this, you must follow all the legitimate steps and acquire the mandatory licenses and permits to run your business without any worry.
Given below are the licenses and permits required for initiating paneer making business anywhere in India-
Registration of Firm:
You may start the small to medium Business either a Proprietorship or Partnership Firm.
If you are starting this Business as One Person Company, then you have to register your firm as a proprietorship.
For Partnership operation, you have to register as a limited liability partnership (LLP) or Pvt. Ltd. Company with
Registrar of Companies (ROC).
GST Registration:
it is mandatory to get the GST number to run the business; you need to apply for the GST registration.
Trade License:
obtain trade license from local authorities
MSME/SSI Registration:
this MSME/SSI Registration will help you to get schemes and facility for the business offers by the state government
BIS certification:
BIS has mentioned the specific quality standard for Business. ISI specification for the
Trade Mark:
you can secure your brand with trademark registration
IEC code:
IEC code is essential for the export of the product
state insurance which is an insurance scheme for workers.
ESI Registration:
Employees provident fund is compulsory for the business where more than 20 employees are working.
To comply with the above processes and registration, one might need any legal expert who would help in absolute legal compliance to meet industrial standards.
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Secure a Location for your Business
- For starting the Ball Pen Refill Making Business, acquiring the space equivalent to a big room is sufficient.
- Hence, this business can be easily set up in your house itself.
- By securing the location for the Ball Pen Refill Making Business in your house, you would save a lot of money.
- This money can be used in the ball pen manufacturing process and for the machinery equipment.
Registration for Ball Pen Refill Making Business
- To set up a Ball Pen Refill Making Business, you are required to register your business entity.
- Additionally, if you are starting with a small-scale business, then you need to register the business as a small-scale unit. You can register your business as- LLP, OPC, or Pvt. Ltd Company.
- You are also required to obtain the Trade License for the local Municipal Authority.
- Obtaining a GST registration is also a compulsion.
- Apart from obtaining the aforementioned registrations, having a Pan card and an active bank account is also important for setting up a Ball Pen Refill Making Business.
Note: – Establishing a Ball Pen Refill Making Business does not require the Pollution Control Board License.
Capital or Finance for the Business
- Being a small-scale business, Ball Pen Refill Making Business falls under the micro-scale industry[1].
- For this business, the finance can be arranged either from your savings or by applying for the Mudra Bank Loan.
- In addition to this, you need to have a well-crafted business plan, a project report with all the pricing details (raw materials, working capital investment plan, machinery equipment, etc.).
- Only by having a proper financial analysis for your business you will be eligible to apply for a loan from the bank or any financial institution.
Machinery Equipment for Ball Pen Refill Making Business
To set up this business successfully, you need to have the following equipment:-
- Centrifuging machine
- Punching machine
- Hot stamping machine
- Ink filling machine
- Nozzle fixing machine
Raw Material
The raw material for the ball pen refill making business can be easily purchased either from any wholesaler market or from the manufacturer. It is advisable to also buy packaging consumables like- plastic wrappers, cardboard, polythene, etc.
Below given infographic shows the raw materials used in ball pen refill making.
- Pipe
- Nozzle
- Liquid Ink
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Ball Pen Refill Making Process
To manufacture the ball pen refill, you need to follow the following:-
- Fill the pipe with a predetermined ink quantity.
- Fix the nozzle.
- Carve the name of your brand.
- Now, you can pack your bags.
- Take a big plastic bag and put all your ball pens refill in it.
Ball Pen Refill Making Business is that business idea that can never go out of fashion. As writing has a direct connection with pens, choosing to set up this business will be highly profitable. Initiating to start with the ball pen making business can be a great decision for the small scale businessmen as well as for the budding entrepreneurs. This article covers all the aspects of the ball pen refill making business and has been written to guide people about the same.
