Fruit Jam Making Business In India, Plan, Cost, Profit, Requirements | SkillsAndTech
Fruit Jam is a jelly-based product that is loved and adored by all, irrespective of their age. Whether kids, children, men, or women, everyone enjoys eating fruit jam with their favorite as well as quick meals. In addition to this, fruit jam is a product that is used by a massive population. This means that the market for selling a Fruit Jam is vast, and its market potential is also magnificent. Moreover, a fruit jam is that eatable which is highly-consumed in the age group of 8-14 years. Therefore, it can be stated that choosing to establish the Fruit Jam Making Business will be proved a good decision for all the budding entrepreneurs and small-scale businesspersons.
Furthermore, a fruit jam is a consumable item that is and can be consumed with the following:
Table of Contents
The Idea behind Investing in a Fruit Jam Making Business
It is no new to know that a regular traditional job provides us with a fixed monthly earning. Additionally, this fixed earning is that source of income that makes us live easily and also helps us in managing our financial expenses. But, if we compare a job with a business, we will find several reasons which will make us invest in a business idea, choosing it over a job.
Given below are a few reasons to invest in Fruit Jam Making Business
- When you choose to invest in a business, the possibility of your survival and stability in the market are way high in comparison to a job.
Wholehearted Efforts
- When you choose to set up a business in the field or the product you love, you pursue it wholeheartedly.
- Also, you strive to give your best to make your run successfully.
Growing as an Entrepreneur
- Investing in a business idea is the first step towards becoming an entrepreneur.
- Furthermore, you can grow in the business field that you choose to establish, learning a lot about the market and the business industry.
- Fruit Jam Making Business is one such business that you can choose to invest in.
- In addition to this, Fruit Jam Making Business can be easily started with moderate investment and less space.
Benefits of Investing in a Business Idea
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- Though investing in a business idea can turn out to be a tough decision at times, but if built on the business of a well-structured business plan, the business can be started and established with fewer challenges.
- One major benefit of investing in the Fruit Jam Making Business is that it can be initiated with an average investment.
- Being extremely popular amongst the kids and children, fruit Jam is extensively sold in the market.
- But, what should be noticed is that these fruit jams are made by adding a lot of artificial food colour, additional preservatives, and flavour enhancers.
- Moreover, Fruit Jam Making Business is considered as one of the most cost-effective business to start with and can be easily started from your home itself.
Let us now begin our journey of understanding all about the profit-generating business, Fruit Jam Making Business.
Composition of the Fruit Jam
Fruit Jam is a product that is made out of various fruits, additives, added preservatives, food colours, sugar, pectin, etc. In addition to this, the products that are made out of these components are majorly seen in almost every household of India. Furthermore, fruit jam is also used as an alternative to butter, mayonnaise, tomato sauce/ketchup, chutney, etc.
Critical Analysis of the Chosen Product
- Not only is the combination of bread and fruit jam is old and prominent, but it is also majorly loved by everyone.
- Moreover, fruit jam is a product that is consumed easily.
- You are only required to apply it on the surface of the food item that you want to eat it with. Additionally, homemade products have a good place in the market.
- With the changing time and harsh conditions created because of the deadly outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, more preference is being given to homemade products.
- Since the Fruit Jam Making Business can be started easily with low investment, less space, basic and easily available raw materials, and simple machinery and equipment, hence choosing this business idea is a good choice for the people looking forward to investing in a business.
Intending to set up the Fruit Jam Making Business successfully, you are required to understand all its aspects stated below:-
- Business setup location
- Budget/ Finance
- Machinery and Equipment
- Target Market
- Market Potential
- The strategy behind selling the product
- Licenses and Registrations
The Marketing Strategy of Fruit Jam Making Business
- In the initial phase of your business, it is advisable to concentrate only on the local market at first, i.e. the area close to your business setup location.
- By applying this marketing strategy, you will be able to judge the feedback of your customers.
- In addition to this, selling the fruit jam in the departmental stores, grocery shops, Tiffin services, and school and office canteens will also give a good kick start to your Fruit Jam Making Business.
- With taking this step, you can also attract and gain more customers for selling your homemade fruit jam.
- Additionally, selling the fruit jam with great offers and discounts will enable you to make a little place in your target market.
- Moreover, by keeping good discounts on your product, you will be able to sell it to more retailers and wholesalers.
- Along with taking these steps, it will be highly beneficial to keep the feedback of the customers in mind. Doing this will allow you to avoid the risks involved and expand the market for the Fruit Jam Making Business.
The Target Market
- Once you sell your product in your local market (the stores and shops), you will be able to make changes in the fruit jam based on the feedback of your local customers.
- This will help you in selling your product to the big markets and will also boost your confidence.
Promotion and Advertisement of the Product
- The best way to attract customers in the target market is to promote and advertise your product all around.
- After you have identified your target market, you can promote the fruit jam by giving free samples to the new customers, wholesalers, and retailers.
- Once the Fruit Jam Making Business acquires a good position in the market; you can keep attractive offers on its sale during the festive season.
- Moreover, you can also advertise your fruit jam on the digital platform.
Licenses and Registrations
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To set up the Fruit Jam Making Business, you are required to obtain a few permissions from the authorized bodies.
Registration of Firm:
You may start the small to medium Business either a Proprietorship or Partnership Firm.
If you are starting this Business as One Person Company, then you have to register your firm as a proprietorship.
For Partnership operation, you have to register as a limited liability partnership (LLP) or Pvt. Ltd. Company with
Registrar of Companies (ROC).
GST Registration:
it is mandatory to get the GST number to run the business; you need to apply for the GST registration.
Trade License:
obtain trade license from local authorities
MSME/SSI Registration:
this MSME/SSI Registration will help you to get schemes and facility for the business offers by the state government
BIS certification:
BIS has mentioned the specific quality standard for Business. ISI specification for the
Safety and Standard Authority of India (FSSAI):
This business is categories under food processing business; therefore, you must have to take the FSSAI license.
Trade Mark:
you can secure your brand with trademark registration
IEC code:
IEC code is essential for the export of the product
state insurance which is an insurance scheme for workers.
ESI Registration:
Employees provident fund is compulsory for the business where more than 20 employees are working.
To comply with the above processes and registration, one might need any legal expert who would help in absolute legal compliance to meet industrial standards.
Raw Materials used in Fruit Jam Making Business
If you aim to see your Fruit Jam Making Business grow, then you must invest well in selecting high-quality raw materials for making the fruit jam.
The essential raw materials used for making the fruit jam are:-
- Juicy and Fresh Fruits
- Fruits such as- apple, orange, pineapple, peach, mango, raspberries, strawberry, etc., can be used while making the fruit jam.
- Furthermore, sometimes only one single fruit is used to make the fruit jam of a specific flavour.
- In comparison to the fruit jam consisting of the flavour of one fruit only, the fruit jam is also made by combing three to four fruits together.
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For your reference, you can also procure the fruits in bulk from your local fruit mandis. Buying the fruits for your Fruit Jam Making Business from the local mandis will help you in ensuring the high-quality, good taste, and freshness of the fruits you buy.
Machinery Needed in Fruit Jam Making Business
The list of machines needed to commence fruit jam making business is showcased below-
- Fruit Slicer
- Pulper
- Fruit Peeler
- Working Tables
- Working Gloves
- Mixer and Grinder
- Fruit Juice Extractor
- Weighing Machines
- Storage Shelves
- High-grade Steel Utensils
- Bottle & Caps for Packaging
Jam Making Process
At the time of cooking the mixture, you must provide sufficient space so that the water content may get evaporated and get constituted as a soft jelly texture. It is essential to ensure that the jam must have the texture so that spreading it on the bread won’t become an uphill task. In order to convert your business into a profitable venture, you must maintain good taste as well as texture. Jam preparation primarily rely on the proper boiling process.
Fruit Jam Making Business: Packaging Part
After cooking, you must let the jam get completely cool and then, with the help of a good scoop, put the jam into the containers on the basis of the weight. You would have to add preservatives to amplify the longevity of the jam. Once the packaging gets over, you must store the bottles at a fantastic place for one or two days.
Fruit Jam Making Business is a business of assured success as the fruit jam is that product that has maintained its extensive popularity globally. Additionally, this is a business idea that ensures a good profit-margin.
