How To Start Mushroom Farming At Home| SkillsAndTech
f you are planning to start the Mushroom Farming At Home then you are in right place here you will get the business plan for the mushroom harvesting business.
A person who has the knowledge about the science and technology of the mushroom growing and has enough space for the mushroom farm easily starts the mushroom farming business.
The cultivation of the mushroom is the scientific technology which required study and experience. but don’t worry if you don’t have experience and knowledge about the mushroom plantation business.
You can go for the mushroom expertise who will provide you with a guide mushroom farming training, Mushroom business is a profitable venture for someone who willing to start the business.
Table of Contents
Mushroom Farming Profitability

The demand for the mushroom is high in the market due to the consumption and use of the mushrooms in the food recipes. There are different types of mushroom available in the market but the Button Mushrooms are the most popular & is cultivated widely because of its high market potential.
Mushroom farming is encouraged by the government and providing subsidies for the mushroom cultivation business.
You can easily start the mushroom farming business at home with low capital investment. Her you will get the ideation about the mushroom harvesting business plan.
if you are looking for how to start Mushroom Farming At Home here the 7 step guide for mushroom plantation at home
Mushroom Business Plan
Starting a mushroom farming business required the specific business plan, the unit size of your business is totally demanding upon the investment capital.
1) Choose a Variety For Mushroom Farming
There are different types of mushroom that have a different type of production cost, therefore it is important to decide the budget and which type of mushroom you are going to cultivate in a mushroom farm.
The good variety to start the mushroom farming is oyster mushroom and other mushroom types are Shiitake, Lions Mane, White Button and Portobello.
In India there are four types of edible mushroom are cultivated
See Also:
Air Conditioning Repairing Business
- Button Mushroom
- Portobello Mushroom
- Oyster (Dhingri) Mushroom
- Paddy Straw Mushroom
The Button Mushrooms are the most popular & is cultivated widely because of its high market potential.
2) Environment For Mushroom Farming
The environmental factor is also important in mushroom farming; a different type of mushroom required a different type of environment.
The oyster mushroom has required temperature of 15°c to 20 °c with the humidity of 80% to 90%, it required good ventilation and sanitation and light.
Licenses Required For Mushroom Farming
Registration of Firm:
You may start the small to medium mushroom plantation business either a Proprietorship or Partnership Firm.
If you are starting this business as One Person Company, then you have to register your firm as a proprietorship.
For Partnership operation, you have to register as a limited liability partnership (LLP) or Pvt. Ltd. Company with Registrar of Companies (ROC).
GST Registration:

GST registration will provide you with a GST number which is mandatory for every business.
Trade License:
you can obtain a trade license from local authorities
MSME/SSI Registration:
the government is encouraging the mushroom harvesting business by providing a subsidy and facilities for the business owner, you can apply for the MSME/SSI Registration to get the government subsidies regarding harvesting.
Trade Mark:
you can secure your brand with simple registering the trademark
Food Safety and Standard Authority of India (FSSAI):
the mushroom cultivation business is categories under the food production business; therefore, you need to apply for the FSSAI license.
IEC code:
if you are planning to export the mushroom then you will require ICE code which is compulsory to Import and export of any product.
Mushroom Grow Room Plans (Area Space)
The selection of location is an important task in the mushroom farming business. Therefore while selecting a location for mushroom harvesting to make sure that the location having a facility like electricity facility, water facility, and drainage facility.
The area location with 500sq ft space is enough to produce the 4,700 kilograms of mushroom. And you will need to control the temperature, humidity, and light.
If your home that meets this requirement of temperature and lights then is good for the mushroom cultivation, but if you are not sure about the controlling temperature then you must have to buy a space heater, a humidifier, and a dehumidifier.
the above-mentioned area is sufficient for mushroom plantation farm you can get ideation about mushroom to grow room plans the to start mushroom cultivation at home
Raw Materials Required for Mushroom Cultivation
You will need to have spawned to the cultivation of the mushroom
You can produce the spawn by your own or you can buy a ready to inoculate spawns from the supplier.
Cleaning is one of the important factors in the successful mushroom business because many things can potentially infect the crop, Use pasteurized straw as your growing medium.
Next, you have to buy the spores to start Mushroom Farming At Home
Mushroom Cultivation Procedure
The mushroom plantation is the science and technology; here we give you a step by step guide for harvesting an oyster mushroom.
See Also:
Step 1. takes spawn and substrate
You will need the spawn to cultivate the mushroom; you can produce your own spawn by using sterile culture.
Also, you can buy ready to inoculate spawn from the suppliers, but producing your spawn is cheaper for the long run but the initial cost is high so buying ready to inoculate spawn is a better option for the beginner
You will also need the substrate, many harvesters use straw and wood chips as a substrate.
Straw is the general ideal method; you want straw that can be chopped up into little pieces.
Step 2. Prepare the substrate
Once the straw is chopped into small pieces of around 2 to 3 inches of size, next wet the straw and then heat the straw in boiling water
Continue boiling for a ½ hour and then remove the straw and drain it and let then cool down.
Step 3. Pack the plastic bags
Pack the chopped straw into plastic bags and then tightly sprinkle the spawn on top
Repeat this until bag will be filled fully, close the top and poke holes in the bag.
Step 4. Incubation
Keep the growing area at around 25 oc, place the filled bags on the shelving units, and remember to avoid any natural light getting into the harvesting room.
Use red darkroom light when you need to check your bags
When you can notice small pinhead mushroom near the air hole of the bag then you are ready to move on to next step of mushroom cultivation
Step 5. Fruiting
For the fruiting room, you need a high level of humidity of 80% to 90%; the temperature needs to be maintained in around 20°C to 25 °C.
The mushroom fruiting needs the natural light for at least 12 hours a day to shock your mycelium which will force it into fruiting.
Move the bags into a cool place for a day and then back to the fruiting room, next cut away the bag which allows mushroom growth to take place
Step 6. Harvest
Just before your mushroom caps are fully uncurled, that’s when it’s time to harvest.
Twist the steam of as near to the growing block as you are able to, you have now harvested the mushroom.
Mushroom Marketing Plan
Growing oyster mushrooms takes around 6 weeks from the beginning to harvesting, sell them as early as possible so they are at their fresh and secure phase.
Local Market For Mushroom Cultivation
You can sell your harvested mushrooms to the local farmers market sell them there or sell directly to local restaurants or grocery stores.
Wholesale Mushroom Plantation
Oyster mushrooms sell for between Rs 80 to Rs 90 a kilogram wholesale.
If you are harvesting the mushroom in 500 sqft area you can produce the 4,700-kilogram mushrooms, then from the production of the 4,700 kilograms of mushroom you can easily make a profit of Rs 3,60,000 INR to RS 4,00,000 INR
See Also:
Online Market For Mushroom
B2B Websites:
Register your mushroom harvesting business on B2B websites like
- Alibaba
- Indiamart
- Tradeindia
- Exportersindia
Where you can sell your product on bulk orders.
B2C Websites:
Register your mushroom farming business on B2C websites like
- Amazon
- Flipkart
- Snapdeal
- Bigbasket
Where you can sell your product directly to the customer.
Mushroom Export Market
Mushroom not only has demand in the local market it has lots of profitable opportunity in the export market,
so if you are planning to export the mushroom then you required the IEC (import-export code), which is mandatory for import and export of any product.
starting Mushroom Farming At Home is one of the best and profitable agricultural-based business ideas.
