Maize Flour Manufacturing Business In India Cost, Profit, Business Plan, Requirements | SkillsAndTech
The primary factors which are regarded by the business owners are the profit from a particular business, the investment required, the industry in which the business belongs, and the most important the demand which the business has in the market. One of the few noteworthy business options when it comes to manufacturing in the food industry is the Flour mills. You must have heard about Wheat Flour manufacturing businesses, however, alongside wheat, the ‘golden crop’ or Maize Flour is another option which one should definitely consider.
Table of Contents
Overview for Maize Flour Manufacturing Business
In most of countries, Corn is listed as an important food cereal and is regarded as the ‘golden crop’. The reason behind the demand for Corn or Maize is because of its rich contents and the health benefits that it provides to people. To name a few health benefits, it assists with maintaining the blood pressure, blood lipid, anti-arteriosclerosis, prevention of colorectal cancer, even with beauty and anti-aging properties, and it is also probable for people having diabetes.
They have rich contents of nutrients and other useful properties such as lecithin, linoleic acid, grain alcohol, vitamin E, and even cellulose. The best part about the Maize Flour manufacturing business is that the profit and the scale of your operations would totally depend on your type of choices. If you use good machinery to manufacture Maize Flour, then your profits would be higher than those of your competitors and you can earn a fair share of rewards in the process.
You can also start with a small-scale business, however, depending on your capital the profits would vary, as for medium or large-scale businesses you would have enough capital to buy the necessary machinery for your business and scale your profits. Maize is also consumed as a staple food in many countries, including India, which makes it a food item that would never go out of demand. It is also used as an addition or supplementary in other products. The complete process of Maize Flour manufacturing is as follows.
Licenses Required for Maize Flour Manufacturing Business
- First Watch Franchise
- Mighty Dog Roofing Franchise
- Pancake Parlour Franchise
- Pancake House International Franchise
- Noah’s New York Bagels Franchise
Registration of Firm:
You may start the small to medium Business either a Proprietorship or Partnership Firm.
If you are starting this Business as One Person Company, then you have to register your firm as a proprietorship.
For Partnership operation, you have to register as a limited liability partnership (LLP) or Pvt. Ltd. Company with
Registrar of Companies (ROC).
GST Registration:
it is mandatory to get the GST number to run the business; you need to apply for the GST registration.
Trade License:
obtain trade license from local authorities
MSME/SSI Registration:
this MSME/SSI Registration will help you to get schemes and facility for the business offers by the state government
BIS certification:
BIS has mentioned the specific quality standard for Business. ISI specification for the
Trade Mark:
you can secure your brand with trademark registration
IEC code:
IEC code is essential for the export of the product
Safety and Standard Authority of India (FSSAI):
This business is categories under food processing business; therefore, you must have to take the FSSAI license.
state insurance which is an insurance scheme for workers.
ESI Registration:
Employees provident fund is compulsory for the business where more than 20 employees are working.
To comply with the above processes and registration, one might need any legal expert who would help in absolute legal compliance to meet industrial standards.
Equipment Required for Maize Flour Manufacturing Business
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Depending on the scale of your business, that is if it is on small or large-scale, the equipment would vary. Large-scale business would require equipment that is costly and is useful for large-scale operations and manufacturing. The various equipment required is mentioned as follows.
- Destoner
- Maize Peeling Machine
- Maize Milling machine
- Flour Cleaning Machine
- Sifter
- Square Plansifter
- Packing Machine
- Atomizing Dampener
- Maize Degerminator
- Miscellaneous Equipment
Process of Maize Flour Manufacturing
There are a number of processes that occur before you get your final end product. In the case of Maize Flour, the manufacturing processes would depend on the scale of the business and also on the type of machineries that is available in the hands of the business owner. However, the most common types of processes that are comprised in Maize Flour manufacturing are mentioned as follows.
Cleaning Process
The first step is to ensure the cleaning of your most important raw material, that is maize. To get an effective end product and assure the quality of the same, your first process would be to remove all the extra particles such as dirt, dust, sand, etc, whatever is present in the maize. These particles are not only harmful to humans to consume but they may also damage your machinery. These particles or materials are removed by a different type of sieving processes which would differ according to the scale of your business.
The Conditioning Process
Have you ever had instances where the maize you consumed makes you experience a bloating effect? That’s the result of low or poor quality maize that is not separated from germ meal, endosperm, and bran. For separating the same, moisture is added to the Maize and later soaked on, this helps in peeling off the bran. This step ensures that the Maize would be regarded as a high-quality Maize.
The next part is to add the remaining raw materials is the Maize. Once the entire cleaning process is finished, all the dust, bran, germ meal is separated, it is time for the rest of the raw materials to get mixed up with the Maize. The conveyer belt of the machine is used to transport the raw materials in the machine and then the processing goes further.
The final process is called as Milling where the maize is passed through the milling machine and grounded into flour. Once the process is complete, the flour is then sieved and the desired quality of flour is obtained, here you would also find some residue, which can be placed back in the machine and processed for milling again.
Training of the Machine Operators
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It is very important for you to have your workers or staff receive the proper training and education that is required for operating all the machines that are necessary for the manufacturing of Maize Flour. There have been various situations where the life of the workers and the process of manufacturing had resulted into being faulty because of lack of command over the machineries and its usage. You should avoid such situations by properly receiving the knowledge and training to your workers, especially for four mill machineries.
Maize which is also regarded as the ‘golden crop’ is useful in various ways. The Maize Flour manufacturing process requires one to have a small or medium scale business. The machineries that are required for manufacturing process would depend on the scale of the business. The manufacturing process includes the cleaning process, the conditioning process, the mixing process, and milling process.