Notebook Manufacturing Business In India Cost, Benefits, Business Plan, Profit | SkillsAndTech
The demand for notebook and exercise books is always high in schools as well as colleges. It’s not wrong to say that notebooks are the soul of stationery items. All the students use this item in the realm of education. Various types of notebooks, registers, pads, etc., are required in business institutions and most offices. Thus, the notebook manufacturing business keeps soaring high and hardly gets affected by external factors.
The notebook manufacturing business in India is a financially profitable business venture. Most importantly, the business demands small capital investment for obtaining machinery and raw materials.
Another vital feature associated with this form of the manufacturing business is that you can move ahead and commence this business with a small covered region. Also, if you want, you can initiate this business from home. India has more than 24 crores of students’ population, and they would all need notebooks for various purposes such as studying and writing. Indian Stationery market has better potential for advancement. Indian During 2018-24, Stationery Market in India has been predicted to grow at a 10.5% CAGR. The stationery industry in India is separated as well as dominated mainly by several unorganised business units. It consists of office as well as educational products. School books are an integral & significant market element in the segment of school stationery.
The notebooks, as well as exercise books available in recent time, are aesthetically & functionally well enhanced with 3D covers. Are you aiming to commence a small manufacturing business with the investment of limited capital and assurance of reasonable returns? Then, you must invest your thoughts in the notebook manufacturing business. This article would enhance your knowledge concerning the stepwise guide to start this form of stationery-based business.
Table of Contents
What are the Factors that Drive the Market of Stationery Products on a Global Level?
The crucial factors that drive the market of stationery products on a global scale are mentioned below-
- In recent time, the living standards of folks have witnessed an all-time high on a global level.
- There has been an improvement in the figures of literacy rates that is luring people towards stationery products.
- As education has become accessible to the masses, the market of stationery products is flourishing well.
- The unhesitating surge in the number of schools and offices has boosted the stationery product-based market.
- Since a notable chunk of the population is eyeing inexpensive products, the stationery product market is booming like never before.
- The introduction of numerous government schemes such as Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is a substantial factor in driving the market of stationery items.
- The urbanisation of rural regions has also led to the progress of the stationery product market, and people residing in villages or backward regions are purchasing such products.
- A better birth rate is one of the prime factors that one can’t deny.
As the government is concentrating on the upliftment of educational infrastructure and betterment of situation in remote villages and less developed areas by increasing the number of schools as well as colleges, the demand for book bindings as well as notebooks is more in urban, semi-urban and rural areas.
A Meticulous Guide for Starting Notebook Manufacturing Business in India
Notebook Manufacturing Business: Analysis of Market Potential
- In developing as well as developed nations, exercise book has a huge market size.
- In addition to this, the market for a notebook manufacturing business is traditionally governed by the unorganized segment.
- Nevertheless, several organized companies are also performing their operations in the market.
- In the current scenario, the exercise notebook market is reaching new heights.
- There are several reasons behind the expansion of the exercise notebook market.
- Some of the major factors comprise a flourishing economy, high literacy rates, burgeoning middle-class as well as enhanced scale of initiatives in the realm of education.
- Fascinatingly & structurally refined notebooks, which usually come with 3D covers loaded with creativity, had observed escalating demand in the last few years.
- Most importantly, the demand for various types of notepads, graph books as well as writing pads is also growing.
- As an entrepreneur, once you detect a business opportunity, it becomes crucial that you ascertain the market potential for that business opportunity.
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- Market potential entails a wide range of components that encompass market size, market growth prospects, existing and forthcoming competition, profitability, consumer as well as product type.
- You may comprehend it as the aggregate demand for a product in a definite business climate. Ascertaining market potential is vital in making your investment decisions & in setting your notebook manufacturing business development targets.
Notebook Making Business Plan
- Regardless of your business size, you would have to work on crafting a robust notebook manufacturing business plan for commencing & running the business in a smooth manner.
- Cautiously, you would have to pick a single or 2 product at an initial level for starting the process of production.
- Gradually, you may proceed ahead for enhancing the product line in the future course of time. In addition to this, you must have a notebook making a business plan along with a proper financial plan.
- Fundamentally, these all will turn out to be advantageous to you in the arrangement of the finance also.
- Also, you need to have your marketing strategy ready in advance.
- Also, you should make efforts to determine ways in order to establish your brand reputation in the market.
- An effective business plan along with finance would be essential for building brand value.
- Commencing a new business venture comes with loads of headaches.
- Being equipped for those headaches – and striving to move ahead of them – can lower down the impact they are likely to have on your business.
- One significant move in getting ready for the challenges your startup may encounter is penning down a robust business plan.
- Formulating a business plan would give you a clear picture regarding what you should do in order to reach your objectives.
- The finished notebook manufacturing business plan also acts as a reminder to you of these objectives.
- It’s an efficient tool that you may refer back to; assisting you to stay focused and walks on the right track.
Licenses & Permissions Required for Notebook Manufacturing Business
In order to kick-start an exercise or notebook manufacturing business in India, the following licenses as well as registrations will be required-
Registration of Firm:
You may start the small to medium Business either a Proprietorship or Partnership Firm.
If you are starting this Business as One Person Company, then you have to register your firm as a proprietorship.
For Partnership operation, you have to register as a limited liability partnership (LLP) or Pvt. Ltd. Company with
Registrar of Companies (ROC).
GST Registration:
it is mandatory to get the GST number to run the business; you need to apply for the GST registration.
Trade License:
obtain trade license from local authorities
MSME/SSI Registration:
this MSME/SSI Registration will help you to get schemes and facility for the business offers by the state government
BIS certification:
BIS has mentioned the specific quality standard for Business. ISI specification for the
Trade Mark:
you can secure your brand with trademark registration
IEC code:
IEC code is essential for the export of the product
Pollution Certificate:
apply for pollution certificate this business produces an offensive odour.
state insurance which is an insurance scheme for workers.
ESI Registration:
Employees provident fund is compulsory for the business where more than 20 employees are working.
To comply with the above processes and registration, one might need any legal expert who would help in absolute legal compliance to meet industrial standards.
It’s suggested for a notebook manufacturing establishment to be setup either as an LLP or a private limited company, keeping the revenue in mind. In case the unit would accomplish a turnover beyond Rs.40 lakhs every year, the best choice will be to incorporate a company.
Setting up the Exercise Book Making Unit
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- Setting up an exercise book manufacturing unit is comparatively easier and involve fewer complexities than other businesses.
- You can commence this notebook manufacturing business with a 1000 Sq Ft covered area.
- Basically, you must have definite spaces to meet the storage need, machine installation, as well as for keeping raw materials.
- If you lack any other office space, then you should manage space for administrative jobs such as creating invoice etc.
- Location, location, location.
- Nothing matters more than the location of your business.
- Conducting a business location analysis is crucial for small scale or large scale business owners. Power as well as uninterrupted water supply, efficient road connections are some of the key factors to consider when giving your nod to a business location anywhere in India.
- Picking the best location for your notebook manufacturing business is crucial to the overall development and success of you and your business venture.
- Therefore it’s important to go for the necessary research before sticking to a location.
Types of Books
With syllabus as well as the curriculum of students passing through the diversification process, students demand various books for numerous purposes.
How to Start Notebook Manufacturing Business: Time Required for Setting Up
- The functioning of the notebook manufacturing business/unit may take place in less than 3 months from the loan disbursement period or six months from conceptualization time.
- Customarily, the preparation of the project, as well as formalities such as company incorporation or LLP registration, gets completed in a time frame of about 1 to 2 months.
- After that, the application gets furnished to the respective banks for the purpose of sanctioning the term loan as well as the working capital facility.
- Banks are likely to take around 1 to 2 months for application processing, taking the average time needed to set up a business & get sanction at around three months.
- After the sanction takes place, it takes around 1-2 months to acquire & set up the machinery, attaining electrical connection & recruiting staff, making the time to initiating commercial production about six months from the idea conceptualization date.
Raw Material Requirement
In order to manufacture notebooks and exercise books, you should arrange the following raw materials-
- 40-50 GSM White Sheet- It’s the key raw material in the exercise book/notebook manufacturing business
- Printing Ink- It consists of pigments and is used in printing.
- Grey Board Sheet
- Gum
- Cover Sheet
- Stitching Wire- It is coated with zinc and prepared out of mild steel wire.
There is no need to purchase the printing set up to kick start your notebook making business in India on a small scale. You may proceed ahead for getting your cover pages printed from different printing companies. Raw materials are the most vital components of inventory for any manufacturing business, and thus, managing raw materials inventory has become the need of the hour.
Maintaining raw materials in sufficient quantity and at the right place by considering the safety factor is essential to eliminate the scope for mishaps. Raw materials are the valuable resources utilized by all the companies in the production part of finished goods. Thus, meeting the raw material requirement would ensure the successful accomplishment of the notebook manufacturing business.
Notebook Manufacturing Process
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Notebook manufacturing is not an uphill task.
All you need to do is to collect the amount of paper needed and march ahead as exhibited below-
1. With the help of a ruling machine, print rules on a white paper
2. Turn up the ruled paper sheets to the needed size & move ahead for arranging the papers in order
3. After that, perforate the paper.
4. Then, bind or stitch it with labels, covers etc.
5. Cut the pages in a systematic manner.
6. In the end, pack them.
Notebook Manufacturing Business: Notebook Making Machines
You can commence a notebook making business in India with a few machinery items. Nevertheless, the distinct requirement relies upon the production output.
Capital Requirement and Revenue Generation Concerning Home Base Notebook Manufacturing Business
- If you are aiming to commence notebook making business at home, then it won’t be a capital intensive business.
- You will be engrossed in the production of smaller quantities of books as well as working manually.
- The entire required investment will be Rs. 10 to Rs. 20 Lakhs.
- Although the internet & digitalization has brought a major transformation in the way of learning and acquiring knowledge, the demand for notebooks among students and businesses is still on.
- A notebook manufacturing unit can generate revenue of around Rs.60 lakhs per year, performing its operations at 60% utilization & 300 days in a year.
Production Capacity
65,000 books can be produced on an annual basis for binding as well as notebooks. Nevertheless, it chiefly depends upon the prevailing demand in the market as well as on your customers.
When we talk about small-scale business with endless possibilities, we are bound to take the name of notebook manufacturing business. The future of this business holds golden days for notebook making business enthusiasts. The demand curve would never witness a downward trend as notebooks are used regularly in schools and offices. Thus, it’s not wrong to say that there is a vast scope for those who are willing to initiate notebook manufacturing business in India.
